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the d3100 is a starter camera that i can learn on and provide professional quality pictures.from the reviews and specs on it i would say its more then a beginner camera and will do just fine for my graphic work. and all that for 600$ instead of 6,000 sounds like the smart idea to me but appreciate the input
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and i didnt want to spend over 600$ so thats also why i am more towards the nikon. i am going to go to the store today and check both them out but i am leaning more towards the nikon. thanks guys


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. Lenses is what really "takes a good pic".

i have to disagree with this statement lol i can give anyone the best lens in the world and they would probably still take a crappy shot. u need to know what youre doing...just saying. everyone wants to get a expensive camera thinking that they are gonna take these gallery shots but when they get the camera they dont know wtf they are doing and their photos look like crap.


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the d3100 is a starter camera that i can learn on and provide professional quality pictures.from the reviews and specs on it i would say its more then a beginner camera and will do just fine for my graphic work. and all that for 600$ instead of 6,000 sounds like the smart idea to me but appreciate the input
im telling u buddy i just read up on d3200 in a photography magazine. like i stated earlier in a post. but u said u "didnt want a starter camera"the d3200 is an upgrade of the 3100. but i dont know what ur $ looks like


Official Lurker
New York
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"Which Camera should I buy?: is question on this site you see every week. Members see pics on this site and the first thing they want to do is to go out and buy a DSLR! $$$ Then the they realize they need a macro lens. More $$$. Then come the questions about white balance , why don't my pictures look like everyone elses? etc.... ahhh Newsflash>>>> tweaks in Photshop and experience !! Frustration or lack of interest sets in and all of sudden the impulse buy doesn't seem like it was a wise choice afterall. Now the camera ends up in the non reef sales, craigslist or ebay.
IMO if you have no desire of getting into photography as a hobby during or after reefing stick with a nice portable point and shoot camera. You will save yourself alot of money you that you could eventually dump into this already money sucking hobby. :lol2:


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i needed a better camera then just a point and shoot. i am using it for work not just a hobby. and i ended up buying the nikon D3100 and i think i got a pretty good deal on it. i am going to post my first attempt at some pictures once it charges.


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"Which Camera should I buy?: is question on this site you see every week. Members see pics on this site and the first thing they want to do is to go out and buy a DSLR! $$$ Then the they realize they need a macro lens. More $$$. Then come the questions about white balance , why don't my pictures look like everyone elses? etc.... ahhh Newsflash>>>> tweaks in Photshop and experience !! Frustration or lack of interest sets in and all of sudden the impulse buy doesn't seem like it was a wise choice afterall. Now the camera ends up in the non reef sales, craigslist or ebay.
IMO if you have no desire of getting into photography as a hobby during or after reefing stick with a nice portable point and shoot camera. You will save yourself alot of money you that you could eventually dump into this already money sucking hobby. :lol2:

Or how about when someone posts a pic of a frag and u buy it and it looks nothing like what u saw in the pic? Thank u photoshop! Lol! That's why if ur gonna invest in a camera invest in it with the idea of using it not only for pics of ur tank but as a hobby. Jarret good luck with the camera can't wait to see ur shots in the Nikonians thread!


Official Lurker
New York
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i needed a better camera then just a point and shoot. i am using it for work not just a hobby. and i ended up buying the nikon D3100 and i think i got a pretty good deal on it. i am going to post my first attempt at some pictures once it charges.
Glad to see it will Be put to good use besides pics of tank! Welcome to the NIkon family!!! Looking forward to the pics. Remember not to get frustrated and use photoshop. Lol.
The kit lens that came with your camera is fine but Nikon has a superb line of Nikkor lens than can cost a pretty penny. Nikon optics are awesome. They used to make Canon and Leica's earliest lens :p
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Yea this thing is awesome, not going to lie the pictures do suck lmao, but i think i will get the hang of it. i don't think trying to shoot pictures of a fish tank is the first thing i should be attempting.


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what do you guys think


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Some of these guy aren't photographers. Look, for around $500 the D3100 is a good camera
for anyone who is just getting started. That's about how much i paid for my first camera. When you fine tune your skills then you can upgrade to something more sophisticated. Not because you have the most expensive/sophisticated camera and a bag full of lens, that doesn't make you a photographer.


Advanced Reefer
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Some of these guy aren't photographers. Look, for around $500 the D3100 is a good camera
for anyone who is just getting started. That's about how much i paid for my first camera. When you fine tune your skills then you can upgrade to something more sophisticated. Not because you have the most expensive/sophisticated camera and a bag full of lens, that doesn't make you a photographer.

That's what I said a long time ago...

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