"Which Camera should I buy?: is question on this site you see every week. Members see pics on this site and the first thing they want to do is to go out and buy a DSLR! $$$ Then the they realize they need a macro lens. More $$$. Then come the questions about white balance , why don't my pictures look like everyone elses? etc.... ahhh Newsflash>>>> tweaks in Photshop and experience !! Frustration or lack of interest sets in and all of sudden the impulse buy doesn't seem like it was a wise choice afterall. Now the camera ends up in the non reef sales, craigslist or ebay.
IMO if you have no desire of getting into photography as a hobby during or after reefing stick with a nice portable point and shoot camera. You will save yourself alot of money you that you could eventually dump into this already money sucking hobby. :lol2: