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Advanced Reefer
Wow ,,i was just there and its a candy store ...The owner Mike is a great guy !!!
I bought some clowns and some SPS , 1/2 the price of PW..IMO and they are much nicer here..IMO
Ill be back over the weekend for more..


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
Guess the best move you made was joining MR.....I drove 45 minutes to check you out and left with these...
Thank you for my wyomings and frost bites.....will definitely stop by again...
I need to make a point of going more often. Everything looked great and I wish I could have grabbed more. Got 2 peppermint shrimp, an emerald crab, and two acan frags. Almost got a fire shrimp but decided not to. They looked great though.

Question, do Manhattan Reefs members get a discount? I hate asking when I'm in the middle of purchasing things.

Fire Shirmp, $19.99.

Large Cleaner Shirmp, $14.55.

One of the best LFS in LI.

Where do we see prices like these,

Discounts should be for all customers,

Not like we have to pay a fee to join MR to receive discounts,

Unlike some shops in someone's house where you have to make an appointment thinking you are obligated to buy,

They try to sell you something for any price,

LFS are always there for us.

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