Poor Lambda and coralcrazy, they're getting:smash: on by the veterans. lol. Concerning general discounts, I think saving a buck here and there is awesome. However, discounts college students, although would help me out, might send a bad wrong incentive for college students to get in the hobby becuase it was less to get in now, then versus before. However, it's still an expensive, time-consuming hobby no matter how many discounts one may receive. I feel like most of the time, us young/college reefers have something to prove to the reefers who are older and have a more stable financial situation. Obviously, we can't go all out like they do, but I would like to gain their respect by maintaining a heathy, thriving reef tank within the contraints of my financial situation. Prove to them that, "Hey! I'm just as responsible, caring, and mature about my tank and reef hobby as you are" and let the results of my tank speak for itself. Hence, I think discounts solely for college reefers would discredit the respect I'm trying to earn.
Blah blah blah, just got out of an exam. :fight2: :letitallo
Blah blah blah, just got out of an exam. :fight2: :letitallo
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