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Would like to get some input on choosing a projector and screen for a home Movie theater project

Budget is about 3k

Here is the space I am working with (where my old fish tank used to be)

I do have some space limitations though

(1) distance between soffits is 76"
(2) distance from table underneath to soffit is 35" and to register is 37.5"
(3) may have to scrap the countertop/desk area.
If so I gain additional height
(4) distance between walls (from projector) is 11 feet


I was told that I might be better off with a 50" or 60" plasma instead by one of my buddies who owns a media solutions company but I could still pull off a projector

He suggested to scrap the countertop and get rid of the soffits which will be difficult to accomplish since it's ductwork and will add
To the cost

Thanks for your input
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westbury ny
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Ernie. My real passion is HT. I would not advise a projector for the space.
A large flatscreen, plasma or led, would IMO serve you better. Due to the limitations of distance from the display and height resrtriction. Not that I am saying it is a "small" space. I have just always felt the 100+ inch screens should be reserved for large space where viewing distance is generally 10-12 + feet.
To be honest, screens always look a little grainy to me from too close. Whereas a really nice 60 inch plasma will ROCK from the distance you are viewing from.
I have a 55" Panisonic plasma and will never look back.
My eyes would fatigue quickly sitting too close to a screen. But thats me LOL
LMK when you start delving into the audio end of this. Then we can really have some fun.:spin:
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im in the remodeling stage of my HT. i found a good resoruce on a site called blu- ray.com. it helped me with questions like you are having. personally i prefer the idea of a nice LED since i will not be able to set up the proper sound proofing that is a good thing to have for something like that. instead i chose to go with a advanced LED television to go along with a good sound system ( Bose- although lots of the pros dont like them). i love them. but if you are gonna go with a projector, you should get a 4. the projectors are the new lines and can also run a pretty penny. mounting a LED is very simple and if you get a advanced model, you get all the things you will need to make it a really nice HT. good luck with it. im waiting for my television to come out to purchase and hang it up in my living room.


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Thanks for the input.

James I made a mistake.

The distance between walls is 12 feet.

I have the option of mounting on the opposite wall but I have a window there and I don't want to board it up.

If I did that I would have more than enough distance away from the projector 20+ feet if I wanted to.

I think though the consensus is with a flat panel tv. So now the question is 3D or not Plasma or LED and what size?

I was going to go with a Samsung Plasma 51" retails about 2200 but can get it for $2000 + $200 install and comes with a pair of 3d glasses.

Guess I better go out there and check out the tv's again.....so many to chose from


westbury ny
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Keep in mind that 3D tech is still very new. That always scares me a little. Sometimes formats change.
As far as plamsma vs LED. For me there is no contest. Plasma, Plasma, Plasma.
I do not want to get into a big LED vs Plasma debate with everyone who has LED's, because they will be the only ones voting LED. LOL
I just think plasma's look real, and LED's look artificial. Panasonic would be the best brand in the 2-3000 dollar dept. IMO You are more than welcome to come by and watch The Dark Knight or Star Trek Blue Ray on mine.


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Thanks James.. Will hit you up on that when I visit my uncle in Westbury.....

I agree. Plasma in my opinion looks so much better. It looks like it's a more natural looking picture with much more depth than the led's.

I think I'm going with a regular 51" samsung plasma not 3d retails for about $1500....

Can you post the model # of your Panasonic?


MR's Greatest Member
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I would never buy a panasonice, The 2 that I have owned one being plasma and the other a LCD were both horrible TV's. The both had the same problem with the power supplies failing inside the TV and were both repaired and then replaced by new panasonics. Out of the 2 replacements the Plasmas power supply went bad again and before the LCD could go bad I had both sent back and had my money refunded and went with Sony's. Which I should have just done in the first place. As for the Projector, I have one in my Theater room and the screen drops down in front of the LCD TV, so it just covers it. Worked out very nicely. I would personally stick with Samsung or Sony Tvs, They are always rated the highest and I have never had or heard a complaint about either one.
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right now i am debating 2 televisions- the sony HX929 or the new samsung smart tv line. both are excellent televisions. i also prefer LED over plasma. good luck with your choice. but with the new 2011 line of televisions, 3d is better as well as there glasses.


westbury ny
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I have a G10 which is about 2 yrs old. If I was to buy a new one. It would be this.
One note. Get any TV calibrated by a qualified ISF tech.
Also the Older panasonics had some problems, but they are more than worked out.
All of these Panny plasma's are based on the Pioneer Elite series that retailed for three times as much, and was the "ahead of it's time" benchmark for plasma tv's.
The Panny's also has a great THX video mode that is fantastic.


Tim`s Aquatics
Rockland County
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Ernie I have a 55 Samsung LED if u want to stop by and take a look at. I think it is amazing and everyone that come`s over say`s the same. LMK Tim


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I'm going to take you up on that .... one day

James , jaa1456, nycmat and Josh thanks for the input

The plasmas look better to me at least side by side I have a samsung 40 led in my living room which is about 3 years old and think I'm going plasma this go around.
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