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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Sohoreef, who are you? You just joined this site yesterday, yet you know about the whole Pedro thing and the past threads? Im confused...

Honestly, its really funny bud and I was laughing a lot, but you seriously went out of your way just to prank the poor kid? I think our gentle bashing that we do is enough when he posts random things but to full on prank? Wow. Like I said, it is real funny and all, but wow... Can't wait til he reads this and see's what you did...

Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
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Sohoreef, who are you? You just joined this site yesterday, yet you know about the whole Pedro thing and the past threads? Im confused...

Honestly, its really funny bud and I was laughing a lot, but you seriously went out of your way just to prank the poor kid? I think our gentle bashing that we do is enough when he posts random things but to full on prank? Wow. Like I said, it is real funny and all, but wow... Can't wait til he reads this and see's what you did...

+1 lolz


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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Here's to hoping Pedro isn't slightly crazy now that he has your phone number which in todays day and age is VERY easy to find out anything you want to about someone. Not to mention you recorded him without his knowledge and than placed it on Yt for the whole world to see.... Funny, yeah I guess. Smart? Far from it ;)


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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Hopefully he doesn't look like this if he ever meets you...



Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Sadly, we had our fun, and I'm sure in a few days when we get his wondeful thread made again showing the bio cube well, I'm sorry if I cannot hold back, but for now, sohoreef went way to far for a laugh and a little too personal I'd say. This thread turned into just a laugh, and not really pointing any fun anymore at him, but now, yeah way to far...

And on a side note...strgazr27...... He can't even figure out this site, let alone learn to track down somebody from a phone call... lmao.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Here's to hoping Pedro isn't slightly crazy now that he has your phone number which in todays day and age is VERY easy to find out anything you want to about someone. Not to mention you recorded him without his knowledge and than placed it on Yt for the whole world to see.... Funny, yeah I guess. Smart? Far from it ;)
You guys are retarded lol
@ stargazr you don't need the person's consent if you personally are in the conversation. It is illegal to record other people's convos w/o their knowledge. For instance if you and I are having a convo I could record it and it's perfectly legal. If you and ryan were having a convo and I was hiding in a closet let's say and recording it that's illegal. You learn something new every day kids. It's one of those things that people just believe to be true like "a cop has to tell you they are a cop". NO they do NOT..hence under cover LOL. If they had to tell you they were a cop when you asked lots of cops would get killed immediately and drug rings/organized crime etc would never get shut down.


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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You guys are retarded lol
@ stargazr you don't need the person's consent if you personally are in the conversation. It is illegal to record other people's convos w/o their knowledge. For instance if you and I are having a convo I could record it and it's perfectly legal. If you and ryan were having a convo and I was hiding in a closet let's say and recording it that's illegal. You learn something new every day kids. It's one of those things that people just believe to be true like "a cop has to tell you they are a cop". NO they do NOT..hence under cover LOL. If they had to tell you they were a cop when you asked lots of cops would get killed immediately and drug rings/organized crime etc would never get shut down.

You need to check your law facts ;) it is state dependant as to wether it's legal and also as to what it's purpose is. If the OP was in NJ and called Pedro in NY or vice versa it is ILLEGAL to record this conversation without both parties consent. Also, the posting of the video to youtube without consent can be considered a tortious act which negates the legality of recording the conversation.

This is treading on thin ground and personally could go either way depending on what state the recordings were made in. If the OP was in several neighboring states including PA or Conn. it is illegal to record the conversation without BOTH parties consent.

The cop comparison carries no weight in this issue :)


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Haha it's really not funny. The links are broken. Says you removed the video or it was removed by youtube. :lame:
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