Mairi Duncan is a Scottish barmaid and mother of one who became famous for falling down a floor hatch in 2007. The footage shows her tending to her duties as a co-worker opens the hatch behind her and descends below; oblivious to this, she walks backward and falls down the hatch. Duncan suffered only minor scrapes and bruises. The fall was captured on security video and the footage was passed around on the Internet. She later appeared on Jimmy Kimmell Live.
PLEASE delete that ASAP!!!!!! He'll never let us forget it!
for once jaa was right
yeah OKLook to be honest if cops didnt abuse there power we would have respect for them but only few and like mybe 10% of them are good the rest abuse there power and cused this disrespect to them today . And i have alot of freinds that are cops and i can tell you know my friend abuse there power big time . And you guys have a have a amount of ticket that have to be given before the mounth is over thats why thay go crazy giving tickets of out the end of the mounth .