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Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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maybe my age is catching up to me or maybe it really wasn't that important, but I have a faint recollection that a member here went on a rant about how Cops abuse their authority and selectively do their jobs.
recently a thread was started asking legal advice by the same individual.
many people chimed in but he was dead set that his answer had to be from a police officer.
well here is my advice..... from a veteran retired Police officer
if you have a legal question I would suggest you consult a attorney he/or she the person with a legal degree and ultimately will result in representing you in court when you receive a summons. You have shown on more than one occasion that you have no respect for police offers so why would you trust us?
since I am on my soap box I'll give you my answer....
if I can not see in your car I am going to write you a summons.
I write every detail in my memo book, what you say, what your wearing, and any important detail I feel will bury you in court.
you see it's simple I am not required to write a summons for a violation, I can simply warn and admonish you.... but if you got me to the point where I did write it you had to have earned it I dont get paid extra to write summons and I dont get paid overtime to go to traffic court.
as young cop I worked in a busy Pct an oldtimer gave me a good piece of advice it's better to go through your career with more friends than enemies, treat people the way you want your family to be treated it they came into contact with the law. If they are too ignorant to realize that they are being treated with respect and dignity and that you are treating them like a human being, than so be it you do what you have to than.
with that said, mutual respect goes a long way and will ultimately reward you in the long run.
I guess my memory isn't that bad after all


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Really your holding a grudge from something that was said over three years ago? If you go back and search your impeccable notes you'll see that the guy has made positive comments of the work officers do.

As far as seeking legal advice, he was given the information by another police officer.

Let it be. People always put their foot in their mouths and regret what they say later and are just too macho to apologize.



Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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Really your holding a grudge from something that was said over three years ago? If you go back and search your impeccable notes you'll see that the guy has made positive comments of the work officers do.

As far as seeking legal advice, he was given the information by another police officer.

Let it be. People always put their foot in their mouths and regret what they say later and are just too macho to apologize.

No grudge simply stating a fact,
since then I have ignored his posts and not wasted my time reading them till now
you are right
there were no apologies given or offered

for the record as stated this is a more common sense solution


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Franklin NJ
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duke, frank is a stand up guy! i dont know what went down between you two, but if you have a problem with him i would be more than willing to bet that you gave him a good reason to have a problem with you. frank, could you have picked a better pic of sunglasses other than the standard issue 80+ specs.


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Sorry Frank, It was St Patrick's day and I did have a few Guinness before bed. Was the first time I had a drink in about 10 months. I won't let it happen again. I will lock up my Computer and my phone and then reclaim them the next day as not to make any stupid decisions. Again I am sorry :hug:


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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ok i asked the mods to delete this thread and it wasnt so im opening my mouth now.first off i wasnt putting officers down it was just 1 officer and that is you.second you were stalking me sending me republican banter because i took sides of the democrates in the presidential election and i didnt ask for you to send me any off that right wing republican crap yet you did.you as retired as a cop think you can now push people around and you picked me for some odd reason.i have many cop friends and with a personality like yours im sure you dont.my stepbrother is a cop and i worked hand in hand with cops from around the country at 9/11 and like i stated my friend i grew up with told me this and i wanted another officer to confirm or deny this not that i was going to get tints i just wanted to know..obviously you are so pig headed you thought what i was saying was against all cops when the only retarded cop i ever had the priveledge to have contact with is you.get off your high horse you are sitting on and move on with your life and leave mine alone.i had you on the list where i can no longer see any of your threads or posts but my friend told me you were bashing me yet again so i took you off to see but you are going right back on it so i dont lose brain cells looking at more of your threads.thanks timber for taking my back maybe this guy can stop stalking me now.and everything i wrote about nypdfrogman is the truth i wish i saved his pms to me so i can show everyone what a nut he is.3 years dude let it go.and i apologized many many times to one officer on here if i offended him in any ways because my comments were not directed at all cops JUST YOU.i have no reason to apologize to you.if anyone needs to its you but like it was said you think your high and mighty that even in your mistakes you wont.
what ever....
this is copied from a PM I just received today
January 8,2009

I'm not saying your wrong in away. At the time you were right to put him in his place. He did put his foot in his mouth and backed himself in a corner. He should have manned up then.

and I think I was right putting you in your place again

Sorry Frank, It was St Patrick's day and I did have a few Guinness before bed. Was the first time I had a drink in about 10 months. I won't let it happen again. I will lock up my Computer and my phone and then reclaim them the next day as not to make any stupid decisions. Again I am sorry :hug:
no worries
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Advanced Reefer
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wow that was some rant on police officers in that thread.posting that just proves how idiotic you really are.and it shows how you started right off the bat on attacking me and gives a little evidence on the PMs you sent me on your political beliefs so thanks for posting it yet again


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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this internet fighting is beneath me and i know who i am so i deleted my last comments.francis have a nice life brother
nice try
wow that was some rant on police officers in that thread.posting that just proves how idiotic you really are.and it shows how you started right off the bat on attacking me and gives a little evidence on the PMs you sent me on your political beliefs so thanks for posting it yet again

there ya go putting your foot in your mouth again didnt last 30 mins.
Duke you have on more than one occasion made broad comments that people find degrading or insulting. I did try to give levy to the fact that this is the internet and that your message may come across skewed because your style of writing. The political stuff you initiated.... if you are going force or state your political ideals to people be prepared to accept rebuttal. NO I did agree with your political views and so do many others and there are many others who dont believe in mine. such as life..
I didnt dig up the link, it from another member who came to your defense he sent it to me in a Pm and after a small discussion he agreed that you were out of line and should have apologized not to me but every other cop on the board.
Youre right I did respond to your comments, in a sarcastic way but I never once personally insulted you, I may have said that the comments you made were moronic but never called you a moron.
you are the guy that needs to grow up.

I had my car windows tinted a 17 so I can have some privacy in the back seat with my girl, I wore my sunglasses at night to look cool.
after my first summons for the tinted windows I took it off didnt wear my sunglasses so I wouldn't bring attention to myself( thats a hint).
I grew up
I do not care if u are related to cops or have friends as cops because if you did you wouldn't make the public comments.
I do have one question ....
if so would indulge me....
Did you take the test to become a cop and didn't make it???
I get the same attitude form guys I grew up with that tried and didnt make it.
I have been on this board a long time I've met many members and some knew me before and when I was still working they will all tell you the same thing, I am a stand up guy, I am honest, and straight forward and I cant do enough for you so if you got on my bad side you earned it.


Advanced Reefer
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why dont you say the truth .the person who agreed with you is a good friend of yours.you dont think i know who it is.my friends would agree with me as well.and as far as apologies i even wrote a thread if anyone was offended by that thread i apologize.it was removed.your just a sensitive person that you wanted me to personally apologize to you which i wont because you wont apologize for all those PMs you sent me.you wont even admit you sent me all those PMs.show me in that thread where i say ALL COPS selectively do there job.you need to man up and stop being so sensitive.like i told your friend i go hunting and i am good friends with a guy who can not stand unions.we debate the pros/cons of unions all the time doesnt mean i need to attack him because we dont agree.unlike YOU i know how to separate my job from my real life.

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