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I'm probably going to have to dive in a tank very soon to perform some equipment maintenance and I need a thick suit. Doesn't have to be anything crazy as this isn't a common thing and odds are I won't be using it much afterwards. The only concern is a large puffer. We could keep it on one side of the tank but just in case something happens I want to know I'll be leaving with the same mass I came in with.

Also, the equipment will be off but if anyone knows a way to ground a suit that would be helpful lol. Whoever initially installed this beast sealed the entire top of both cylinders and only left a small access panel in the cross pipe that joins them so this is going to be a pain. I'll see if I can document it and post up the process.


Newbiee 4 Ever
Staten Island
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First of I never heard of a wetsuit that you can ground, just power down the tank from the breakers for the maintanance, and build a cage out of egg crate, and wire ties bigger then the puffer, this way you can contain him and not worry.
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The puffer will be partitioned on the opposite side of the tank but just in case he manages to get through for whatever reason, I want to be protected. There's a tube in the middle between the two main cylinders so there isn't anything to secure the partition to it just has to be jammed into place. The puffer is big enough to cause serious damage and has already taken chunks out of the fake coral structure.

The equipment I'll be working on will be shut off but there are other wires and metal supports running through the top, which is only accessible from inside the tank. I just want to cover my bases.

I just wanted some advice on a cheap but sturdy wet suit as I don't really need one for anything other than this one task right now. I'll probably need it again at some point but it's not going to be constant use. When I eventually have the time to actually pursue diving I'll invest in a good setup but for now I just need something to fill my needs.


55 gal salt water
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ok as far as wet suits go you might want a 7 mil suit its the warmest you can get before you go dry suit. If you need a place to go to rent one if you dont have one I know a spot in brooklyn. It should protect you from the puffer and any sharp rocks, as far as grounding the suit its impossible since your face is exposed and you would need to ground your body. I have all the scuba gear needed to dive up to 200 + feet if you need advice or anything let me know and good luck with the puffer


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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To Find the appropriate wetsuit you take into consideration the water temp and length of time in the water. A few hours constant exposure in 78 deg water will reduce your body temp. Even a 7 mill my not be enough.
Will you be getting out of the water at all? That is a long time to fight the urge to pee.
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It's the same design as those tanks but isn't one of them.

I was planning on taking breaks since I'll be working in each section and as I move across I'll be near the access panel.

I have a few months so there's time to figure out the best way to do this. I was also considering hooking up a small cargo net once inside so I wouldn't have to stay in the water or just using rope to tie up a climbing harness and hook myself to the supports.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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But since you are surrounded by water you will be grounded anyway.
You may be able to find or rent a wetsuit from a dive store or surf shop.
Try and stay out of the water as much as you can. layering with fleece also helps as it warms even when it's wet.

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