You're right but there is a lot more to it. You now have to pay a fee to fish that will certainly grow over time. This money isn't being used for anything fishing related. Simultaneously the environmental extremists are taking away our right to keep fish, putting tons of commercial and pleasure fishing boats out of business as well.
The messed up part is there is actually no shortage of these fish. In fact the fishing is better than it has been in a long time for many species. There are numerous documents showing transfers of hundreds of millions of dollars in the forms of research grants to the higher ups of various environmental groups and even NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin.). Much of this money was gained from fine and permit collection. In fact there was a story on CBS a few weeks ago showing how NOAA purchased 202 vehicles for 172 employees, a 300,000 pleasure yacht, and various employee trips to exotic and expensive locations.
Here is an article and video to the story
NOAA's ultimate goal is to implement a "catch shares" system in which everyone will have to pay for the right to catch a predetermined amount of fish for a fee. Fisherman from all over the east coast (from Maine to FL) are fighting this tooth and nail.
Anyway, you see a $10 fee and I see all this:biglaugh: