Man I think OP was just trying to express his happiness with his Mac and the difference HE feels with his PC.
To be honest I love Macs and PC's equally. Preference is going to come down to a person's technical capabilities and taste. With any Apple product you are paying for the design, technical "solidity," and execution in terms of ease of use. Apple software for the creative's (generally speaking are their Forte) are industry best for the mass market. I am talking iMovie, Garageband, etc. So good for you, you love your new Mac.
Some points that I feel are a little ridiculous.
- PC's are crap. We have no idea what system you had or what you were running.
- The monitors on Macs are very nice. There is no denying that, but that is because Apple executes and styles in a special manner because they "know" and scrutinize heavily on its parts to get what the consumers want in terms of look, feel, and execution - IMO this is what really makes them special to the consumer.
Needless to say you can easily acquire all these parts for a PC, just buy an IPS LED lit screen with high resolution and you'll get equal if not better performance (but you may sacrifice aesthetics).
- Liquid Cooled PC's are the best. Just because you have a liquid cooled PC doesn't mean you are spec'd out with the hardware. There are perfectly made high performance gaming PC's without running liquid, nitrogen, etc. It really depends on how YOU make it. Most of the stuff accessible to the likes of Alienware, ABS, etc. give you the customization. Somebody who is not as technically competent will stray away from these because these applications are generally for hardcore gamers or video editors. I can liquid coold my old Compaq Presario 350 if I wanted to, it's just a method of cooling.
- Bose is awesome. To the normal consumer it may be awesome. Once again, you are paying for convenience and design. Noise cancelling technology is pretty widespread and there are better offerings than Bose's Quietcomfort series, although admittedly they are nice in terms of design. To Audiophiles, we all know Bose is definitely not on par with the offerings out there (their car systems are actually okay).
Anyway that was my 2 cents... more like 50 cents with the long post.