my mother owns a dog store. I know it all when it comes to puppy mills or real breeders. Most pet stores like the malls and ect are not good. Puppy mills really are not that big anymore. The Amish Is more popular now. There are certain rules when it comes to the state and where the dogs come from. I know personally my mothers store would be shut down instantly if it was from puppy mills or ect. The ASPCA Visits my mother once a week to check up. She has always had a great reputation with them. My mother deals with a company called Lambrar who is actually quite popular. There side company has a tv show on animal planet about a year ago. It's pretty much a company where they go personally to the breeders and purchase puppies. They then go to there facility which has 4 vets on staff 24/7 and get all their shots, microchiped, registered, ect. They fax my mother a list of puppies which are usually about 10-20 types of dogs they have, and my mother picks which ons she wants. Soon after we get them delivered by a 18 wheeler custom made for dogs. Large pens were hand made in the back of the truck with ac, heat, automatic water and feeder bowls, video camera, the works. It's amazing looking. They then come to my mother place, explain the paper works and background, and my mom buys them. She then goes to another local vet, we use animal general because they are an amazing vet and very nice, and they get a full check up and and a certificate showing the puppy is up to date in nj. Then she keeps them for about a week or two, give them kenel cough pills, alabon, panacur, and we watch them.
About 9 years ago, my mother bought the store, but before then, puppy mills places were not against the law. Dogs use to be flown by airplanes in from random places and the old owners use to just pick them up at the airport. It was horrible. The dogs were disgusting, always had something wrong like kennel cough, and honestly was just cruel. When my mom bought the store, she called up every breeder and ripped them a new butt hole and called aspca and give them all their contact information and they shut it down. Then my mom started fresh. She started just hanging signs looking for local breeders ect. Problem is the dogs in our area were well... Not that many to select from. Only labs, jack russels, ect. And the prices are wayy to high, plus most never been to the vet. So, she started going through another company kind of like the people we use now, but smaller. She worked with them for awhile, but the whole Amish thing started becoming popular. She ended up stopping with that company because she did not trust it and did not want to risk it because most the dogs came from PA which is big amish county.
If you do decide to go to a local pet store, make sure they have something called "notification for consumers rights" that is at least for nj where i live, which is your rights when you get the dog. It's pretty much the health guarantee for the dog. It protects you pretty much if the dog you purchased becomes sick or Ill. My mothers store is mandatory to give them with the dog. Pretty much if anything is wrong, she has to pay up to two times the purchase price for what came back from the vet within 10 days. Or you get other options. Its pretty long, but i wont go far into depth with it. Also, make sure the shots are up to date. From booster, distempermint, everything. And make sure you ASK QUESTiONS. If you ask where they came from and all they tell you is a location, and not background, be concerned.
So, I'm not saying go to a pet store or go to a breeder. I do like the breeder idea because you deal with them personally. But, make sure you really check the place out. The location, how the owners are, how their dogs look, check what food they feed them, if they been taking records, if they do it regularly, how many times they bred the puppies mother, is any did not make it in the litter, ect. If you decide to go for a breeder, I wish you well, it's a good choice. If you go with a pet store, again, ask questions and make sure it feels comfertible.
Rescue is another choice, but don't think rescue is free. You still have to pay a few hundred, they have to check out your home, interview you, ect. wnd you don't know the background. Was it mistreated? Is it healthy? Personally, my one dog is a rescue and he is my favorite dog in the world. I got very lucky with him and would not get rid of him even for a million dollars. He is my best friend.
And my last piece of advice, do NOT buy a dog on the Internet.
If you ever have questions, feel free to pm me.