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As stated by chief, fuges and fish only. Freshwater & AIO.

What about, planted tanks, hydroponics and reptiles.

There are other uses that we as reefkeepers aren't even aware of.

As stated earlier Russ, I use LEDS on my fuge that are cheaper and I don't need to replace for at least 8 years at the cost of 50 bucks. Beats a PC with bulb replacement twice a year. You can use T5 on fuge or a clip FC. Fish only you can go with a 2 bulb T5 or a standard flourescent. Planted tanks I would use T5 yet again. They make T5 bulbs for reptiles and Hydroponics work way better with Metal Halides trust me on that one.


Old School Reefer
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Bottom line, if there was no market for them, the long standing manufacturers would get out. Not only aren't the long time manufacturers getting out, but there are at least a couple of new manufacturers getting INTO the PC market as recently as just a few months ago.

If your argument held any merit at all, the long standing manufacturers would scale back their production and you'd be hard pressed to find any new manufacturers jumping in on a dieing/dying market. Or is that dyeing? :lol_large



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Well, I would like to hear the facts as to why they still produce them, When all the same companies produce T5 fixtures that by far outperform the PC's. For nearly Identical costs. I know a lot of people have MH's with PC's in them and I can see the production of bulbs for those for awhile longer. But besides those and the small AIO, I really don't know anyone that uses PC at all.


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I'm still so very confused why you think that the hobbyists in reefing are the only ones that would use them? :scratchch

I never said they we are the only ones and I even answered you question earlier. I even stated that they make T5 fixtures for reptiles and freshwater, They are both even half the price of the Reef versions. Like I said a Fowlr can run on a 2 bulb T5 same as a fish only or even a standard flourescent. Hydroponics grow better with Metal halides and T5 as well. I'm starting to see more and more T5 lighting in stores as well, as their light source for the store. I can go on and on Russ, I have no clue why you are confused, I never said they are for our hobby only. But in all cases the PC is primative and cost more per year in bulbs than the T5 for any application, and the fixtures cost the same as T5. The little grow gardens for homes now use the T5 as well and LEDs. They replaced VHO, with T12 and T8 those were replaced with T5, I don't know anyone who still manufactures the first 3 fixtures still and those bulbs are in a corner in every LFS for wholesale pricing, just to get rid of them. The PC I believe is soon to join them. No matter what you use your PC for there is a better fixture and bulb out there now for the same price.


Advanced Reefer
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How long before this thread is about how led has replaced t-5?

I started saltwater just as pc was on its deathbed so i went t-5 right away for expensive fixtures. i have some pc 's i m using and as the lights burn out i will give them away or more likely take advantage of cheap prices on bulbs but not buy new fixtures. waiting for leds to replace t-5 soon. also would love some more info on the led fuge lights


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I don't think LEDS will ever replace T5's, Nor will they replace Metal Halides either. All 3 have unique qualitys to them. For one the T5's you have a variety of color options on the bulbs, not offered with the other 2 mentioned. The Leds's are bright and have the long shelf life and cooler temps, The MH's still have the shimmering effect IMO not matched by the LEDS or T5's and yes you can get T5's to shimmer if they are hung high enough. I know there are other pros and cons to each fixture for each person sperately. Pmed on LED fuge light

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