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After looking at new fixtures and used ones for an upcoming tank, I got to thinking why do they even bother making PC anymore? I don't know a single person that likes them or even pushes them on you. The fixtures cost around the same for a T5 the bulbs are expensive as well for what they are and what they are capable of. You can't grow SPS really, I have heard of people doing it but never saw it done. The bulb choices are limited, it's either actinic,10k or 6500k. I have never seen any others. Why even bother producing them anymore, If companies produced only T5 fixtues the price would come down as well.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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I hate pc...

1. No good brand selection
2. Color choice sucks
3. White is always too overpowering
4. Run hotter and more expensive then t5
5. Can't do sps
6. In general, they just look like crap on the tank for color
7. They look like bent light sabers


MR's Greatest Member
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You can use clip on CF for that or get an even better small LED for less or a T5. I have a 4 LED light a 3 watts apiece over my fuge, 50 bucks and less heat in the stand and no bulbe replacement for 8-10 years.


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I've seen SPS grown under PC lights, as well as clams. They have to be pretty close to the top, but it can be done.

I love PC lights for phyto culturing. The 6500k bulbs get me a denser culture than any other light I've used, but with the price of T5s, I can't imagine using them on a tank anymore.


MR's Greatest Member
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I mean comparing them side by side and the price is pretty much the same, You get so much more flexiability with the T5. Oh and beerfish I didn't foget about the Stainless


westbury ny
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This is also what they use on most Aqaupod style nano's.
I for one started with an aquapod and really sort of liked the lighting. I like t-5's better but I did grow sps under PC lighting quite well.


MR's Greatest Member
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I've heard of people doing it, but I also hear many SPS will not grow under them. But my main point is why buy a PC fixture that is limited and the bulbs are recommended for a change every 6 months. When for the same money you can go with a better fixture, And also what if you have a deeper tank?


westbury ny
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I've heard of people doing it, but I also hear many SPS will not grow under them. But my main point is why buy a PC fixture that is limited and the bulbs are recommended for a change every 6 months. When for the same money you can go with a better fixture, And also what if you have a deeper tank?
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you but people with PC's still need to replace their bulbs.
I have not noticed a stand alone PC fixture for sale at a LFS for a while now.
And yes. My SPS were fairly easy ones to take care of.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Power compacts are one of those things where they WERE really cool at the time, and is now completely over. non experienced lfs and reefers are the only who use them. And your right, Without forums, most people would just listen to lfs and get power compact. Hell, that also pertains to canister filters with lfs trying to get them to buy


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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They are going to stop making pc bulbs if they haven't already. 40-45 bucks for a 65 watt is insane. I used a dual pc when I 1st started reef in a 15 gallon it worked well I had all types of lps and zoos I'm not a big sps guy to begin with so it didn't matter that you cant really grow them.


Experienced Reefer
Long Island
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Although i did switch from the 48" PC to 2-36" T5-HO, i had it on my 125 for about 2 months and it grew SPS and the clams. Like everyone said they were closer to the top but i had no problems with it. It grew everything. I ended up selling it to my brother for his 48" wide 75 gallon and i wanted a full 72" light setup. The T5's are brighter and has allowed to place the SPS a little lower in the tank but then again it was also 300$ more and extra bulbs and wattage. I do understand what you're saying, but for people who have the long tanks and need a lot of light and just want to do LPS or softies, a cheaper PC will have no problems. I went from 4-65W PC to 8-39W T5 HO.

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