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Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
Rating - 100%
132   0   0
It always comes down to price and features , on Tom toms u got the plus of pricing , on garmin u have features better than pricing , I love garmin cause of free traffic and because of lane assist which is great for the ladies also the map updates are important cause like I said an on ramp that's now an off ramp can truly ruin your day.


Advanced Reefer
Central Jersey
Rating - 82.4%
14   3   0
you gotta take every gps with a grain of salt. it's always gonna have something... as long as you don't listen to it (like my old tom tom) when it took me to a dead end and told me to turn left, i didn't. haha. i have a garmin now and i like it a lot. you still need to have a little sense and not just follow it blindly. ya know? =)

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