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Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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Dude get a garmin nevi 250s series , they have lane assist that shows you what lane to be in, also for an extra hundred bucks you can buy the lifetime map updates card from garmin , it's worth it , I had a Tom Tom and it sent my up an off ramp coming home from sesame place with my kids and wife in the car! And that was with an updated map tom Tom is European based they don't say highway they say motorway and stuff like that and I think garmin is military engineered.


Old School Reefer
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Paying $100 now for future map upgrades is the biggest scam I've ever heard of. The initial map it comes with will be good for a minimum of two to three years, at which point you'd most likely be able to buy another brand new one for $100 (since they are already at that price now!!!).

I've had Garmins for the past four years or so. They are great. Tom Tom is another great unit. Magellan is basically an 'also ran'. Nothing to talk about.

I would just make sure the unit you get comes with free lifetime traffic updates, although I do like the sound of the lane assist feature.



Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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navis are so cheap nowadays man i paid 900 for my 1st garmin nuvi a few years ago i think it was a 660 or something. Damn thing got stolen out of the car on memorial day weekend they busted my window and grabbed it along w/ a bunch of other stuff. :irked:


Brooklyn , NY
Rating - 97.7%
126   3   0
Number one maps are Navigon and iGuidance
I don't know if iGuidance has portable units but Navigon probably yes. I'm installing both softwares in car pc's. People love Navigon that's what I know...

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