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renegade reefer
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250   0   0
i used to love it for the shoveling for $$ and the monster snowball fights but now i hate it the only time i like to see it now is when i take an ocassionall ski trip


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
Rating - 100%
73   0   0
I am sick of shoveling. I have been telling myself to buy a used quad with a plow for the past 4 years. I think its time. But I procrasinate.



Cherry Collector
Rating - 99.5%
431   2   0
Im loving this snow! The conditions for snowboarding are amazing everywhere:) everytime i go which is like every fri haha theres always fresh power!


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
Rating - 100%
150   0   0
I'm from upstate, where it would easily snow 3-4x as much as it does here. I went to school in Syracuse and remember walking through snow banks that were 7-8 ft tall...

After living here for over two years now, I can say.. snow is so much more of a PITA here. :lol2: I'm done. Although, I don't feel we can really complain too much. We do live in New York after all.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
Rating - 100%
73   0   0
I am sorry to hear about the injuries out there in the reef world. If you have kids, get them to work and maybe hire someone in the meantime if you don't have kids. I keep on procrasinating about the snow blower or quad with plow. Maybe its time!


Experienced Reefer
Emerson, NJ
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
Well if you're not sick of the snow yet? I'm guessing you will be by tomorrow afternoon. I'm in Emerson, NJ (Bergen County) and it's been SNOWING ALL DAMN DAY!!!! To top it off we are supposed to get freezing rain and then 4-8" on top of that by tomorrow morning. ENOUGH ALREADY.

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