I grew up in the mountains where lots of snow is not a big deal, up there they were safe and closed schools even though they could just plow the snow to the side of the roads and everything was fine.... here in nyc, nowhere to put all this damn stuff and the napoleonic mayor thinks it is cool to make students, teachers, admin, and other school staff risk their lives. We are simply a babysitting service. They make a travel warning saying people shouldn't be out in it but he forces us to? A lot of students don't come in, a lot of staff can't make it and the day is a waste with no teaching going on (i go in anyway because it is my job but i end up being a babysitter and that is not why I went to school). THanks to those who let napoleon the 2nd go against voters wishes and put himself on the ballot for a 3rd term and the voters who elected him.
i need to sleep now, no way he will close school and look like he couldn't handle the snow again.