Pain. The only way our body could communicate and tell us that something is wrong and needs our attention before it gets worst.
Pain is a cycle, that must be stopped or cut at any level to have temporary or long term relief.
Injury /damage to tissue -> cellular release of chemical -> blood vessels constrics, also muscles tighens or goes to spasm as a protective mechanism of our body to prevent further injury, which in long term may decrease supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells -> further cellular damage -> further pain, and cyle starts again. The reason that in time, pain becomes more severe due to cascading effect of this cycle.
Temporary relief if we just "block" the pain and DID NOT deal with the ROOT CAUSE of the injury or problem. Medications just "stuns" the progression of the problem or "numbs" our sensation of pain. Once medications have worn out, pain exists again and we need more dose of these medications. Stretching, Strengthening as well as Mechanical Traction if needed, effectively complements these Injections.
There are many ways to treat back pain , depending on root cause, level of injury and severity of the problem.
Physical Therapy is one of the most conservative one if done by a properly trained and properly equipped, not to mention desire for public service. That said, not all PT is the same. They should utilize conventional Heat and Electrical Stimulators, more advanced Ultrasound (also, Phonophoresis-Driving of cream based pain medication trhough ultrasonic waves) and more advanced LASER therapy to facilitate healing process. Then proper stretching and of course, Intermittent Traction machine. Your therapist should employ evrything mentioned above for moderate to severe back pain (considering you don't have fused or unstable spine).
Oriental based Acupuncture tends to release Endorphin, which is our own pain mediating chemical in the body ( Yes, our own body has its own "Pharmacutical Factory" which can produce opiates)
Pain Management:
Trigger Point Injection drives medication, usually just an anesthetics and alcohol for acute and mild cases, to anesthetics and corticosteroids. It adminstered to relax and "untangle" tight muscles, also to decrease inflammation.
Nerve Root Block drives medication to nerve root. Medicine of choice same as TPI. its effect is it temporarily "stuns" the nerve so that it would not be able to send back the pain impulse from injured area to the brain. Thus "blocking the pain"
Epidural Injection basically introduces the medication directly to spinal canal where your spinal cord is located. Its main purpose is to anesthesize the level in your spinal cord where the nerve root that supplies the injured area enters or "represented". It could also decrease the inflammation in that area specially if you have herniated disc big enough to impinge or touch that level of spine.
There are other more aggressive intervention, like surgery which is more complicated. LMK what specific surgery is in your thoughts!