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Trigger point is not helpful if pain is due to nerve impingement. It is for local anesthesia and relaxation of muscle. The nerve problem will not be addressed. HNP with radiculopathy bought about by nerve impingement will only be addressed by Nerve Block or Epidural shot.

The best option for moderate to severe back pain is Pain Management coupled with PT and exercises as well as weight management (if overweight)

LASER would definitely help with inflammation resolution plus TRACTION. HNP with decreased spinal height will cause nerve impingement.

Traction will distract bilateral side of the body, which would serve to:

1. Bilateral stretching of surrounding muscles. Each spinal segment has muscle attached. If you have pain, those muscle goes into spasms and tightness in long term which would aggravate your condition because those muscle will pull each other, in retrurn, each vertebra will push each other causing "squeeze" on IV disc. Imagine your IV Disc as a jelly filled doughnut, The more pressure you subject it to, the more jelly would protrude (HNP) causing further pain bought about by nerve irritation.

2. Decrease in internal pressure (negative pressure) of IV disc. IV disc is prodominantly made up of water. Decrease in internal pressure would cause attraction of water towards inside the IV disk (through diffusion). More water =more height= relief of nerve impingement.
3. Diffusion of nutrients towards inside the diseased IV disc. It could help in maintenance of disc health as well as in healing process.

Back Pain = Corals and Fishes
Traction = Vortech MP's
LASER = High end, high power LED's
Stretching and exercises = Skimmers and Filters
Heat and Cold packs = You know, heaters and chillers
Best Therapist = YOU ( Your other Therapist, MD and PT, would be useless if YOU are not COMPLIANT.)

I have expained too much but my point is:

The best non surgical option for moderate to severe back pain is Pain Management coupled with PT and exercises as well as weight management (if overweight)

Its a package deal!

The best treatment from your therapist should be:
Heat and E-stim (Interferential preferred) followed by
Mechanical Traction (better) or Streching, followed by
Strengthening Exrcises ( Truncal Core Strengthening), followed by
Ice pack, then, finish it up by
Low Intensity LASER Therapy ( The best!) - It's not the Surgical LASER.
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cephalopod enthusiast
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And those Root Blocks hurt, not untolerable but they do hurt. They inject the steriods right into the nerve area where the disc is at.

Were you put under when you had the injections done? I know a few people who have had the procedure done. One was given a local anesthesia, which he said hurt terribly (and they had to do a series of local injections, so I could imagine that being very unpleasant). Another friend was "twilighted," so she remained awake (albeit stoned) and didn't feel a thing. From what I've read, a lot of people report an increase in pain for a few days, but then go very long periods of time without pain.

Now I was told by the pain management Dr that I could do acupuncture and that would help heal the area(but my insurance doesnt cover that)

Have you looked into cupping? Most places that do acupuncture perform this too, and it's usually less expensive because it's not as sensitive of a procedure.

Low Intensity LASER Therapy ( The best!) - It's not the Surgical LASER.

Where can you have this procedure done? Are there special PT offices that do it during your therapy session, or is it a separate location? Is it usually covered by insurance? I'm really intrigued.


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I had the surgery 5 years ago this February. My L4L5 was pinching my nerve causing pain in my left thigh, burning in my left knee and pain in my left shin. I was ending my division I athletic career at the time, so stupidly, I played through it. That was November. Four months later, tons of physical therapy later and it didnt help at all. Was told by many not to do the surgery, decided that I would do it anyway. Best decision of my life.

Leg pain was gone when I woke up from the surgery and after 6 months was able to do everything that I did before the surgery. First few days after surgery were tough for obvious reasons of getting cut open. Like I said, best decision of my life. If any of you want to see the doctor I saw just to see what he tells you feel free to pm me. He is out in Smithtown, LI

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