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Experienced Reefer
Long Island
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Plasma is the way to go, LED only goes to 240hz refresh rate while plasma is 600...huge difference. the other issue i have heard with LED is since they are so bright it can become hurtful to the eyes after watching for a good amount of time. i went plasma samsung 8000 series and couldn't be happier, LED was way to bright for me.

just my opinion


Advanced Reefer
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I got mine from bestbuy and they're doing a 3yr 0% financing on any home theatre purchase $899 and up. There's a monthly minimum of $10 and mine should run maybe $65 a month if I spread it evenly over the 3 yrs so it's not bad at all.

I did this. It makes sense. We just finished refinancing the house for a better rate. I got a Samsung LCD and a Google TV set top box. The LCD was under the 899, so we bundled the Google TV to bring the price up. We'll pay this thing off in a year at about $100 a month. Not too bad.

I decided against LED for right now. Partly because of price. My brother has LED and it's pretty awesome. Colors are great, but I just couldn't justify the extra $ for the Samsung LED. I was thinking about plasma, but we tend to leave Baby Einstein DVDs running for the baby, and sometimes forget that it is on. I know burn in is less with the present tech, but I just wasn't sure enough.

So far, Google TV has been pretty cool. We played around with it last night. The applications are still being developed, so there are not too many right now, but the search functions seem well integrated, and being able to check email and the forums PIP is pretty cool. Only time will tell if the novelty will wear off. We haven't really broken into what this thing does, but so far we are pretty pleased. We streamed a movie from one of the websites I access from my mobile phone through GTV last night. The quality was not great, but bootlegs never look that great anyway.

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