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Advanced Reefer
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Hope you dont have a gf. I played when it first came out and took up all my time. Sad to say my girlfriend at that time said pick me or wow..... guess which one i chose... LOL
I have lvl 80 shadowpriest as main but stopped playin gabout a year ago.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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12   0   0
Same here.. stopped playing after fiddling around with Burning Crusade for a bit.

Had 70 Undead Warlock...

About 7 months ago.. I got an email stating my account was banned for selling gold or something like that... lol.

WoW... is a great game, but way too time consuming.

I'm just sticking to SC2 now and D3 (whenever it comes out... *sigh)

D3 shouldn't have a subscription fee... one of the biggest factors that really drove me away from WoW...

Whatever, Blizzard is still making money off me anyway along with millions of others.. haha.


Advanced Reefer
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29   0   0
Can't wait until D3.... gunna be amazing. it better be free too.
I'm on SC2 right now, deciding whether or not to jump into cataclysm I already have an 80 rogue. that 10 day free trial is mighty tempting


Experienced Reefer
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85 ret/tank pally, 80 warlock, aliance on muradin server i still play i get into grooves where i play for a while then i take a break after ive done end game stuff...i must agree it is time consuming especially if you decide to raid


Advanced Reefer
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93   0   0
Hope you dont have a gf. I played when it first came out and took up all my time. Sad to say my girlfriend at that time said pick me or wow..... guess which one i chose... LOL
I have lvl 80 shadowpriest as main but stopped playin gabout a year ago.

lol. mine's the opposite.

my gf, wife now, would run back to my corpse for me cause I hated that part of the game..


Experienced Reefer
Long Island
Rating - 100%
22   0   0
Played vanilla wow and BC but ended up quitting after my /played revealed I had wasted 26 days of my life on WoW. Raided hardcore up to Black Temple

70 Hunter
70 Shadow Priest

Bleeding Hollow US - Alliance

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