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Neptune, NJ
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Its a MMORPG (massive multipayer online role playing game). pretty much you run around completing quests and collecting things while increasing the level of your character. i just started playin a couple months ago but im sure someone else can give you a better explaination


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Not anymore. I gave up that drug for the saltwater drug. :D

I stopped after the first expansion The Burning Crusade.

70 Enhancement Shaman - BlackRock
70 Elemental Shaman - Draka
70 Shadow Priest - Draka
14 Rogue for Warsong Gulch BG
Neptune, NJ
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Not anymore. I gave up that drug for the saltwater drug. :D

I stopped after the first expansion The Burning Crusade.

70 Enhancement Shaman - BlackRock
70 Elemental Shaman - Draka
70 Shadow Priest - Draka
14 Rogue for Warsong Gulch BG

im not really all that into it yet. ive got a lvl 29 knight elf druid and a level 25 dwarf hunter. everyone else i know that plays is like a lvl 85 and dont wanna play wit me :'( lol


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Alliance :dead1: Just kidding... I'm only embarrassed because I got lost in Ironforge once. :shhh:

No worries, make new friends at your level. Build your Druid to either Restoration or Feral (for tanking) and groups will pick you up quickly. Enjoy... and remember it's a huge time-sink.
Neptune, NJ
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Alliance :dead1: Just kidding... I'm only embarrassed because I got lost in Ironforge once. :shhh:

No worries, make new friends at your level. Build your Druid to either Restoration or Feral (for tanking) and groups will pick you up quickly. Enjoy... and remember it's a huge time-sink.

lol yeah, i been stuck on my hunter lately, have alot more fun wit him. and i get lost everywhere i go so no worries lol... im just havin fun runnin dungeons and whoopin ass


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lol yeah, i been stuck on my hunter lately, have alot more fun wit him. and i get lost everywhere i go so no worries lol... im just havin fun runnin dungeons and whoopin ass

Hunter is really fun and great if you like soloing. I better start talking about the game before I get curious and revive my accounts. Have a good time with it...


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So pretty much either you guys quit or never played it lol

I did at least. Occasionally, I power up the private server just to reminisce running through Ogrimmar. Is it still a grind? I really got burnt out leading 40 man Onyxia raids. 2-3 hours of prep and organizing time... 39 others having their own idea of how the raid should go. 40-50 hours weeks, game became a full time job. :sigh: I do miss the holiday content that Blizzard adds... that's a nice touch. DING!

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