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Brooklyn , NY
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Well I'm AT&T customer about 6-7 years already but looks like the only thing is still holding me with them is iPhone...
It's my 6th iPhone, I had all of them even had 3GS twice and 4g is my second one cause I broke my first one.
The major problem for me are payments, AT&T charging me almost $300 every month, I used to have 2100 minutes family plan for two iPhones then switched to 1400 minutes to save some money but I don't see any difference on my bills.
I was in Verizon store today to check the plans and phones and I'm thinking to switch even tomorrow!
Salesman told me if I'll take two smartphones they will not charge me for second line, 1400 minutes gonna be $79.99 plus unlimited Internet $30 times two - $60 and some taxes sounds good to me.
I'm thinking to get motorola droid x but the guy told me to wait and get droid 2 global ?!
Anybody can help me to make decision? My wife like iPhone and I need strong arguments to quit AT&T I don't really care about the iPhone I think motorola x is better than 4G... Can't wait to see 2 global

What I should do guys, any suggestions will be appreciated.


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tmobile, jailbreak & unlock your iphone, cheaper prices, no 3g or 4g, but still get somewhat fast internet... and way better service than at&t..... I've had iphones on tmobile ever since they could be jailbroken and unlocked... or just wait till next year iphone might be available for verizon and might even be available for tmobile, on 4g, I can only hope....

Aquatic Life Direct

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mark i'm going with verizon as soon as my contract is up. AT&T has gotten worse and worse! I'm dropping almost every other call... it was never like this before until the iphone4 was released....:(


Brooklyn , NY
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noelskii said:
january, the iphone should be with verizon with no simcard.

I hear today the soonest date for iPhone gonna me march, and that gonna be sim card probably because droid 2 global has also sim card in Verizon... Dunno
Droid x can be used as a modem and you don't have to jailbreak it, also in march they planning to start running 4g network and smartphones gonna connect the network directly for updates (no computer needed any more)

Alex you are absolutely right I'm agreed with you...

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Brooklyn , NY
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batt600 said:
Verizon good service but way more money then At&t the surcharges will kill you and verizon is going to kill there unlimited service to

Well as soon as I gonna pay less than $200 I'm fine with surcharges...
My current AT&T bill is $274...

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Don't think the Droid X is LTE compatible. Do your research if you would like to be future-proof, but then again, not sure if there's any LTE phones on the market now. Might be released in parallel with the service. I've been AT&T customer for about 7-8 years, mostly Blackberry service as my work/clients required it.

Just swapped out to Verizon 2 months ago; Alex got the chance to check out my Droid X. No regrets. The phone and the service is phenomenal compared to AT&T.


Brooklyn , NY
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Yea but the 4g is piece of junk, I had no issues with 3GS at all.
I used to have old router and was thinking that's why I can't watch YouTube on my 4g, recently upgraded to one of the best router and still can't watch the movies on YouTube lol
Anybody have droid 2 global here and can say word about that phone?

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How are you paying 300$ for 2 lines? im paying 79$ for my iphone service with internet, texting, massive mins from ATT and never have surcharges or anything else on my account. Im on my phone half the day and texting the other half. Another line would cost me the same if not less on a smartphone too. Somethings not sounding right.

ATT pissed me off the past two weeks but I wouldn't change service plans. They are installing the 4G service in their towers so everything went to crap till they sort it out. My wife has verizon and in the city and upper brooklyn/queens I have better ATT service thats quicker over her phone.

One word of warning, you will be dissapointed if your a heavy app user with the androids. I went android and was severely dissapointed in the quality of apps android had to offer. You can also do way way more with the android system unless your running a jailbroken Iphone. I switched back to the iphone after a few months due to apps alone and the keyboard layout.

I also don't get what you guys are complaining about in the iphone 4g. Mine works perfectly without any flaws. And jailbroken im doing everything I used to do with the android.


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Staten Island
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yea I duno how the hell your bill is that much we have a iphone and a backflip (droid) my bill is under 200 a month. I had verizon for years and they SUCK yea the service is ok but their customer service is the absolute F'ing WORST. I had 9 replacements of my voyager.. NINE! They REFUSED to give me a different phone,upgrade me help in any way. They treated me like a jerk and I left them as soon as my contract was up after having them for like 6 years. Verizon never gives you any credits,free minutes nothing in 6 years. I call ATT they are like "Oh your phone is having problems recieving calls? ok sir no problem we'll take $40 off your bill and give you 3000 rollover minutes." ATT is the best for that..they ALWAYS hook you up.

My girl went to greece for 2 weeks her phone bill was like 3 GRAND because ATT was charging a lot plus a 3rd party carrier was charging a lot I called them up explained she didn't know how much it was and that we were unaware of a 3rd party carrier being involved I got it dropped to like under 1500. If it was verizon they prob woulda charged an extra thousand just for complaining lol. I would say stay the F away from verizon bro.


Brooklyn , NY
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Thank you guys for opinions...
I'll call AT&T today and will talk to them about my plan hope they will fix it.


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I have Verizon, had it for years. The cutomer service does suck, But I hear everyone complaining about every carrier. I also was told by a Verizon insider I know the Iphone will be there in June/July, No sim card and no sim card in the Global either. These phones are built for Verizons platform not AT@T, Verizon does not use Sim Cards. It's kind of a safety net for them so you have to buy or use on of their phones.


Used as bait
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As someone who has had an iPhone for a minute...1st generation, and now 3GS since it came out...I haven't had many problems with their service at all, but then again it all depends on where you are to see how the coverage is. Everyone I know is on Verizon and talking about getting an iPhone when it crosses over. I'm staying with AT&T...thinking about how bad iPhone service gets when there's a lot in the building (concerts, stadiums, etc.) I could only imagine how that is multiplied with VZW.


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Northern Jersey
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just to clear a few things. iphone for verizon, (which is not called the iphone because of legal terms, it will probably be called something different like i cell or ihome or something like that) SHOULD be released in feb. 2011. no guarentee. 4g for verizon comes out in 2-3 weeks. droid global really does not have anything that better then any other phone out there. personally if you want a phone close to the iphone, wait til january for the HTC Droid Incredible HD or Olympus(whatever u want to call it) . that phone looks amazing! should also have gingerbread android 2.3 and FRD459. 1080 video capture, 8mp camera (or rumor the new 10mp camera??!!), KITEUI might be a possibility, 4g or 3g which a widget to switch back and forth, moble hotspot (phone turns into a router pretty much) hdmi input, front camera. pretty much the works!


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north jersey
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Forget about those 2 over expensive co the one u should b lookin at is tmobile I have 3 lines all smart phones with all 3 having unlimeted minutes and texting plus internet and only pay 180 when with v erizon I payed almost 240 for jus 2 lines

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