Advanced Reefer
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- Northern Jersey
no offence...t-mobile & boost is junk. i dont care if its a bit cheaper, thats all it has. service, plans, phones, everything about them is garbage. id rather pay 5-10 bucks more to be able to use it and make complete calls.
i have always had verizon. everyone has their problems with every company, but verizon always ends out with better outcomes. people say the customer service is bad, yet ive talked to them 5-10 times in person and on phone and everyone helped me out. the actual service is great. i rarely get call drops. the phone line is great, and all around the company is just a very good well known company. now that at&t lost their precious iphone, they are the next to go down hill. and as for the iphone, i know everyone loves it. i understand that. everyone who has one has always said good things about it, and thats fine. but im sorry, until you try another phone like a android based phone, you cannot call them crap or anything until you have one, because almost every person who owned one said it was nothing but amazing. each phone has its pros and cons and has some stuff that the other doesnt. but what it comes down to is the apps. they say android does not have that many apps. well the iphone has been out for YEARS now. android only got popular THIS YEAR. give it time and dont judge it. for this being the year of android, think how much better it still can get. and if you really do not like android based phone, then keep your pants on for another few months for your verizon I*hone
and i have 3 lines on my plan. 2 are smart phones, 1 is not. 179 every month. been like that for years. i had the dare before the smart phone craze and had unlimited everything, its always been 179.
i have always had verizon. everyone has their problems with every company, but verizon always ends out with better outcomes. people say the customer service is bad, yet ive talked to them 5-10 times in person and on phone and everyone helped me out. the actual service is great. i rarely get call drops. the phone line is great, and all around the company is just a very good well known company. now that at&t lost their precious iphone, they are the next to go down hill. and as for the iphone, i know everyone loves it. i understand that. everyone who has one has always said good things about it, and thats fine. but im sorry, until you try another phone like a android based phone, you cannot call them crap or anything until you have one, because almost every person who owned one said it was nothing but amazing. each phone has its pros and cons and has some stuff that the other doesnt. but what it comes down to is the apps. they say android does not have that many apps. well the iphone has been out for YEARS now. android only got popular THIS YEAR. give it time and dont judge it. for this being the year of android, think how much better it still can get. and if you really do not like android based phone, then keep your pants on for another few months for your verizon I*hone
and i have 3 lines on my plan. 2 are smart phones, 1 is not. 179 every month. been like that for years. i had the dare before the smart phone craze and had unlimited everything, its always been 179.
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