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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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no offence...t-mobile & boost is junk. i dont care if its a bit cheaper, thats all it has. service, plans, phones, everything about them is garbage. id rather pay 5-10 bucks more to be able to use it and make complete calls.

i have always had verizon. everyone has their problems with every company, but verizon always ends out with better outcomes. people say the customer service is bad, yet ive talked to them 5-10 times in person and on phone and everyone helped me out. the actual service is great. i rarely get call drops. the phone line is great, and all around the company is just a very good well known company. now that at&t lost their precious iphone, they are the next to go down hill. and as for the iphone, i know everyone loves it. i understand that. everyone who has one has always said good things about it, and thats fine. but im sorry, until you try another phone like a android based phone, you cannot call them crap or anything until you have one, because almost every person who owned one said it was nothing but amazing. each phone has its pros and cons and has some stuff that the other doesnt. but what it comes down to is the apps. they say android does not have that many apps. well the iphone has been out for YEARS now. android only got popular THIS YEAR. give it time and dont judge it. for this being the year of android, think how much better it still can get. and if you really do not like android based phone, then keep your pants on for another few months for your verizon I*hone

and i have 3 lines on my plan. 2 are smart phones, 1 is not. 179 every month. been like that for years. i had the dare before the smart phone craze and had unlimited everything, its always been 179.
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MR's Greatest Member
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just to clear a few things. iphone for verizon, (which is not called the iphone because of legal terms, it will probably be called something different like i cell or ihome or something like that) SHOULD be released in feb. 2011. no guarentee. 4g for verizon comes out in 2-3 weeks. droid global really does not have anything that better then any other phone out there. personally if you want a phone close to the iphone, wait til january for the HTC Droid Incredible HD or Olympus(whatever u want to call it) . that phone looks amazing! should also have gingerbread android 2.3 and FRD459. 1080 video capture, 8mp camera (or rumor the new 10mp camera??!!), KITEUI might be a possibility, 4g or 3g which a widget to switch back and forth, moble hotspot (phone turns into a router pretty much) hdmi input, front camera. pretty much the works!
Why can't they call it an Iphone? Apple owns the rights to the phone not AT@T. The contract with them is expiring and Apple has the right to keep the name of the phone. Do you think they are gonna rename their own phone. It is a name in a series of their products. Such as Ipod, IPad, Itouch, Iphone, and whatever else they have named.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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every single time verizon speaks of the phone, not a newsletter or blog, but actual verizon heads call the phone I*hone. and im sorry i did not mean they cant, its really not that they cant call it iphone, its that verizon does not want it to be called that. im sure it still can come out called that, but i real alot of verizon articles saying the name may be changed.


MR's Greatest Member
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every single time verizon speaks of the phone, not a newsletter or blog, but actual verizon heads call the phone I*hone. and im sorry i did not mean they cant, its really not that they cant call it iphone, its that verizon does not want it to be called that. im sure it still can come out called that, but i real alot of verizon articles saying the name may be changed.
My buddy who is up in the ranks of Verizon has told me the phone will still have the Iphone name, Something might follow that name, and it is of course a different platform than the AT@T Iphone. Also I have been hearing June/July release. My contract on my BlackBerry expired last month and i'm gonna hold out till then.


Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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Yea I agree with lps verizon and att have good service but over priced I also have tmobile and my service is good no complaints wit my g2 and not to mention my bill dropped 60 bucs not 5 or 10


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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just to clear a few things. iphone for verizon, (which is not called the iphone because of legal terms,

Yes it will be called the I phone AT&t contract is up and verizon is getting the I phone but only the 3gs for now . At&t doesnt have the right to the name I phone Apple does the contrate At&t had was for right to sell the phone to them and them only for what ever amount of years it was now its up.


Brooklyn , NY
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In my opinion for the money the AT&T makes in past few years they should fix any service issues... Cause when iPhone gonna show up in other carriers they will start loosing customers, that's more than sure.
I can't even imagine how many thousand people are with them because of iPhone...

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


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stick with a&at im now on my 7th iphone i keep breaking them. there is no phone out there better then the iphone. the service works fine yes i have dropped cal'sl but don't we all.. anything apple makes is better

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