OH PLEASE can we stop this non sense? "Artists" make millions of dollars regardless if people download their music as a matter of fact all that "illegal downloading" is usually what jump starts a career. Look at LiL Wayne for example people were bootlegging his mix tapes and now he's the biggest name in hip hop. The statutory rate is 8 1/2 cents per song per cd THAT'S IT, the record companies get all the rest. Unless you are selling tons of cds it really doesn't matter and if you wanna go by dl'ing individual tracks they are making much less anyway because people aren't even buying the cd they will dl 2 songs instead. The REAL money is in LIVE performances and merchandising so let's not flap away at the mouth here yoshi. If you were in this industry for 15 years you would know these things. What kind of DJ loses a job because records sales aren't there? I DJ'd,threw parties, all over NYC,went to school for music production and audio engineering. I had my own radio station when I was 19 years old 1 of the first around and probably the biggest at the time. I AM MUSIC.
I never cared about getting a few pennies for songs lol I made music to make people happy,to get people dancing,to book spots and throw parties. If you are really going to sit here crying about this you must be talentless not to mention I never heard of you. Good luck trying to sell songs on itunes LMAO, you'll get rich NEVER.