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Forever Noob
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Hello All,

I am in the process of rescuing a dog and am now in the final stages. I paid and everything already and dog is going into surgery tomorrow. I am now dealing with all this red tape from the city.

Apparently, I need a dog license and what the city is telling me is that it takes 4-6 weeks? That's insane especially given the fact that I have to get a license after I get approved. I don't get it... North Shore lets you go in and out with a dog in 2 hours. I work with this shelter up state and it's different.

Where can I go to get the dog license faster. I absolutely cannot wait 4-6 weeks. I already took my days off and factored in the Holiday's to really acclimate my dog and recuperate him.



Forever Noob
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Honestly not sure what his history is but I know he used to be somebody's dog. He's about 1 year and 2 months old (estimating).

Pembroke Welsh Corgi-- pure bred found roaming around the Hudson. Unbelievable! I jumped at the opportunity because this is the dog I've been looking for. He's going under the knife tomorrow to get neutered and he has all his shots (except for Heartworm test and Lyme-- will get these done when he's comfortable with me).

At least 20 other people looked at him in the past month and nobody wanted him because he was "high energy." I know what a Corgi's personality requires strong leadership... these dogs are far from dumb and very stubborn if not trained properly so I really seemed like a dick when I was talking to the dog, but I know it worked because in 10 minutes he was taking sit commands and walking properly. I left with everybody at the Animal Hospital Staff saying that's the first time they'd seen him so obedient.

Me... I only have my reef tank in the house and I am taking precautions with wires and am ordering bitter apple spray. I also brought up as many wires up as I could. I used to have a Golden Retriever and 3 Pitbulls Mixes when I was outside of the States. All of my dogs were great. I also used to raise chickens and I used to have 2 of these Chinese Swan Geese that I raised when I picked them off the street.

Kimberly, thanks for the offer and I may take you up on that depending on how he is. I am working from home a few days next week so I can really observe him.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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If anyone listened to Howard Stern interview Adam Carolla last week, you all know what I'm talking about.



Forever Noob
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Okay so I have pretty much everything. But bad news, my dog has Lyme disease and it's active. The animal hospital has me administering medicine for a month.

I got him a Lyme vaccine also but need a booster in 4 weeks. Any Vets you recommend around Bayside?


Advanced Reefer
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Congrats on the dog. Enjoy him. Dogs are the very best--always there for you. A couple of suggestions:

1. If he's not crate trained and going only outside, crate train.
2. Get some Nature's MIracle to have on hand should he have an accident in the house--adjusting to a new home, he might have potty issues at first.
3. Get a basket or some kind of box and keep his toys in there--show him where it is and train him to only take and play with his toys. If he takes something that is not a toy take it from him, tell him no, give him one of his toys and when he takes it praise him. The toy box tip was the best tip someone gave to me. Has saved me loads of chewed items.
4. Look into pet insurance. I use VPI

Remember to be a benevolent dictator and you'll be a-ok. Thrilled for you.


Advanced Reefer
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LaurieC said:
Congrats on the dog. Enjoy him. Dogs are the very best--always there for you. A couple of suggestions:

1. If he's not crate trained and going only outside, crate train.
2. Get some Nature's MIracle to have on hand should he have an accident in the house--adjusting to a new home, he might have potty issues at first.
3. Get a basket or some kind of box and keep his toys in there--show him where it is and train him to only take and play with his toys. If he takes something that is not a toy take it from him, tell him no, give him one of his toys and when he takes it praise him. The toy box tip was the best tip someone gave to me. Has saved me loads of chewed items.
4. Look into pet insurance. I use VPI

Remember to be a benevolent dictator and you'll be a-ok. Thrilled for you.

How much do u pay for ur insurance ?

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Forever Noob
Rating - 100%
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Hey Laurie,

Thanks for the tips. I found pet insurance through my company and am looking into it. I probably might have to get his lyme treated first so I can actually get it. I think it's like 30 a month or something like that.

I'd love to do the toy thing but he doesn't play with anything I buy him lol.

Oh yea... here's pics of him. Don't let him fool you he's a handful.



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