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Rating - 100%
75   0   0
Yea, not really feeling this one. Think they tried to do too many things at once. Too many options in customization, the deep options for guns and gear. Cmon now, if I really cared how my avatar looked, I'll dust off my World of Warcraft discs and bring my toons back online. Please someone just show me where's the M4 + Stopping Power, and I'll be on my way...


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
28   0   0
The game is ok the graphic r not mdw2 like but the sound effects r way better as gun wise the guns r good u guys have to remember this is the past n guns weren't as modern as now I think u guys r jst disappointed wit the graphics I really think u guys should look pass the graphics n see how much fun it is

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MR's Greatest Member
Rating - 100%
50   0   0
The game is ok the graphic r not mdw2 like but the sound effects r way better as gun wise the guns r good u guys have to remember this is the past n guns weren't as modern as now I think u guys r jst disappointed wit the graphics I really think u guys should look pass the graphics n see how much fun it is

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It's hard to look past a game that was already made, All they did was repackage World at War pretty much.


Rating - 100%
75   0   0
The game is ok the graphic r not mdw2 like but the sound effects r way better as gun wise the guns r good u guys have to remember this is the past n guns weren't as modern as now I think u guys r jst disappointed wit the graphics I really think u guys should look pass the graphics n see how much fun it is

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Disappointed and rightfully so... they only had 2 years since WAW and 1 year since MW2 to improve their engine. At this point, they're just trying to ride Infinity Wards' coat tail to their own little billion dollar industry. They did nothing but age the guns by 30 years since WAW and gave us some facepaint :rolleyes:

Oh and I forgot the awesome RC car... yea, you can blame your teammate sukisuki69 for that 7400-7500 TDM game you just lost because he got his RC car stuck between 2 barrels while being a sitting duck.
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Rating - 100%
75   0   0
Lol yea I'm not liking this one either....my biggest no no are the sound effects, there terrible, running sounds retarded, kinda like skipping, and it seems sterio. Idk I don't think ill buy this one for a while. (I barrowed my cousins game)


Advanced Reefer
long island
Rating - 96.7%
88   3   0
I agree the game is to dam fast paced and the boards are huge you can get lost just running around them, you have to buy things insted of un locking them and they have missions you can do in multi player. The running sounds like pure cr** and the graphics while the the boards look amazing the guns look like sh**


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
Rating - 100%
34   0   0
haha no offence to anyone here, mainly towards COD, this game was a HUGE release. one of the biggest ive seen since halo 2. it was crazy on advertisement... and ever person i talked to today that i know that got it (which was about 25 of my friends) only 2 people said they love it. everyone else said its ok, its alright, i like MW2 better, it sucks, ect. everyone called me a fool not to get it right away because i put it on my gamefly, which will take a month or so to get, and boy am i glad i did not run out and waist 60 bucks. i sat down about 2 hours ago with a friend and played it. after 20 minutes...we turned MW2 back on. haha what a let down...

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