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my buddy has it for 360 already. greg koloski. he works for infinity word and got his hands on a copy about a month or so ago. actually a bunch of people have it already, but im guessing they are people who made the game or whatever. i saw him playing online and was confussed how he was playing people online already lol. seemed like a cool game, but COD is not my thing... im more of a rainbow six vagas person...
The guys online are also Beta testers there are around 1000 guys for the ps3 alone I heard. Now you
know how guys are prestiged 4 times already when the game is released to the public.


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Im going to be getting it for my 360- but I am ashamed to admit- right now I work with computers but Im not smart enough to try the online play---it confuses me how to hook it up and the setup of it and all, as well how to join in games and what not. Im a young man working in the technoligical world that had to request a bigger locker to store my caveman bat, lol:tongue1:


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Northern Jersey
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usually mondays are when games arrive. tuesday is the main release day...mainly for pre orders... usually when you walk into a game stop or somewhere they are sold out already if not preordered on new releases....but wal-mart on the other hand usually gets a crazy amount. i get new releases from wal mart first day all the time!


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Queens, New York
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Sounds like a good idea.. however...

I remember when I used to be into modding xbox and things like that...

If Microsoft saw that you played a game on your gamertag BEFORE it was out on a street legal date (and you are not a developer/tester) they would ban your gamertag, and in some cases the actual IP of the xbox 360 as well..

So I don't know how safe that would be. Just a heads up for any one that might be able to get the game earlier than the "legal" release date.


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Banning players of a early released legitimate copy of any game would be a public relations disaster for that company.

Modded X360s will run risk of their MAC address being back from Xbox Live if the user is dumb enough to play a "backup" version of a game that's not publicly released, especially without the proper stealth patches. I should know, I have 2 banned X360s :D


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Queens, New York
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So what happened last November then?

Even games that were stealth patched, people still got flagged for banning.

It actually happened just as I was about to mod my 360...I bought the Verbatims and all... and decided to not go through with it.

JTAG is better anyway... you know if the new 360 Slim has been modded yet?


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Last November, Hitachi users with iXtreme 1.51 was banned. Somehow MS worked around that FW and was able to detect modded units. That wave took out my 2nd X360, and I never bothered getting another. Not sure if the new ones are moddable...


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Queens, New York
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Yeah.. I'm currently deciding if I'm still going to want to be playing online.

My old xbox (the first one) was banned when Halo 2 came out.

Apparently there was some kind of system check in Halo 2 that was able to detect mods.

From what I've read.. almost every November a new update rolls out, and MS catches people... so its kind of inevitable... unless I'm mistaken.. :-\
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It's too many hoops to jump over for a free lunch. Originally I did it out of curiosity, like everything else I have modded. If you mind playing single player forever on a banned unit, I wouldn't even bother. If you want the sneak peek thrill, buy a banned unit for like $50 and just suck it up with single player mode and leave your current X360 untouched for friends and family gaming. Just my .02 cents...


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Queens, New York
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Well I still have the white one as well.

It RROD on me... and I didn't both fixing it cause I found a great deal on the slim...and just jumped on it.

I guess what I could do is just fix the RROD and mod that one.


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yea, mine was banned at the release of modern warfare 2. had to buy a new one to play. funny thing was, i didn't touch my xbox months before the ban.


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I think I know that store silky slim is referring to in manhattan, If it is the same one the guy had 5 Xbox copies already and sold them all. I also saw the the game at a Gamestop near me, Not for sale of course but they did have about 10 ups boxes full of them.

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