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Bay Ridge, BK
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ok, this thing is still on, we may be a little short handed but if everyone who says they wants to come comes we will have more than enough. either way, I will be having beers and ordering food so there is not harm in showing up to see if we can get a game out of it.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I want to do one soon Tom you are always welcome. This weekend is bad and next I will be away upstate let's shoot for 2nd week of November at my place in Bayside. Giddy up! Start the RSVP'ing lol Nah it's probably early for that but atleast we can stir some interest up.
Saturday November 13th in Bayside Queens.

I also wanna know who ended up coming to the last one and who won since I unfortunately could not make it :irked:


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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LOL sounds good Matt. Well Tom we'll see how many heads we get together if Friday is better maybe we'll do it that Friday. People need to let me know what's up. I will make a separate thread for this if I do not see enough response here.

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