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Bay Ridge, BK
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Any interest in a (monthy?) poker game? I could host one Friday Oct. 15 at 8PM. We could play 5 or 10 "chip" buy in hold em or whatever you guys feel comfortable with. Beer, pizza, poker and reeftanks. What could be better? I know if I get some drinks in me I will bet coral if it gets ugly. My table (and apartment) is pretty small so I figure 6 people would be max for my place, hopefully it will materialize and next time someone with a bigger place can host . :)

Any takers?


edit to make sure it is legal. :)
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Bay Ridge, BK
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112   0   0
Thank You very much...I don't often get to Brooklyn, could you bring the award to the swap?

You know what, I don't know if have the authority to bestow this honor but I am going to upgrade the award to best pun of the month. Your award ceremony will be at the swap. The ceremony will be followed by pizza, soda and copious amounts of frags.


Bay Ridge, BK
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112   0   0
yeah, just bring money for dinner. PM me for more details (we are not gambling just playing cards for fun only so we are keeping any money talk out of the thread so it doesn't get closed) we are almost full. trigger you can host the next one if you want ;) (not to say you can't also hold a game but I was hoping we could get a regular or semi-regular game going in whatever borough wants to host)


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