Screw em- I have been with one women for 30 years and I am only 44 - there is more than one fish in the sea!
Actually still love her very much- hobbies don't break up relationships, people do- you get out what you put in, period!
Have not taken her on vacation in the last 5 years because you are afraid of leaving the tank for an extended period of time
Those of us who have supportive wives are very fortunate. Don't take things for granted folks! We do this because we love our reefs. They let us do it because they love US!
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Screw em- I have been with one women for 30 years and I am only 44 - there is more than one fish in the sea!
Actually still love her very much- hobbies don't break up relationships, people do- you get out what you put in, period!
My wife always brings up my " stupid fish tank and f-ing bird" when we argue mostly because we live in a small 1 bedroom apt and my fish stuff invades her closet space! I love this hobbey and have gotten carried away spending every free minute either online or messing with the tank my wife did get very pissed sooo over the last few weeks been toneing it down a bit I think the key is to do as much as u can when she's not around and manage ur reef time just like anyother time
Also hide money from her so when u need something that's 200$ u can tell her it only cost 100$ jk I always tell my wife that but she always knows when I'm lying
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