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I was surprised, that whenever, some one speak of group buys, no one ever asked whether a MR vendor can do that for you guys. Actually, couple vendors in MR can do just the same or even better than what they can do. Of course, no vendor can do a one or twosy at the same price. But when purchasing in quantity, I believe at least couple of the vendors here can do it.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Sounds like he just makes a run to the wholesaler and picks up whatever u want. He prob calls the wholesaler his "warehouse" and he is not allowed to bring you along.

The tiny LFS down the street in Hoboken used to make wholesaler runs and pick up whatever I wanted.

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Advanced Reefer
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i bought yellow tang from them on ebay thay said it was 4+ inch when i recieved it it was very small less then 2 inch un healthy i left very bad feedback for them


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There is a wholesaler in Philly that my friends go to buy fresh and saltwater fish.
That could be his ''warehouse''.

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