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MR's Greatest Member
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Why would a team have to drive around taking pics and doing write ups? That makes no sense at all. There are other sites that cover the entire world and they do not send teams out to other places to take pics and do interviews. It is just plain and simple. Take pics of your tank submit them. If you need a better camera or help start a thread and look for someone local on this site that could help. No matter what kind of write up you do someone will have a question on something that wasn't covered. So then you simply start a thread for TOTM and let other members ask questions the the TOTM winner can answer at his or her own leisure. If you do not want to be bothered then don't enter. That doesn't seem to hard.


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The sort of part is where they've run into problems in the past.

Sure, but do they want to take the time to do it, and are they reliable?

if its a once a month thing i can deff do it, im only in class 2 day a week, and my work schedule is flexible. im sure i can get help from a least 2 other photographers.


Advanced Reefer
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This was the problem in the past-- getting members to submit quality photographs and write-ups or having the man-power to get around and do it for them.

Having a TOTM with bad photos/write-ups is far worse than not having one at all.

well if that's all it takes, sign me up!!! :splitspin:splitspin:splitspin


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Why would a team have to drive around taking pics and doing write ups? That makes no sense at all. There are other sites that cover the entire world and they do not send teams out to other places to take pics and do interviews. It is just plain and simple. Take pics of your tank submit them. If you need a better camera or help start a thread and look for someone local on this site that could help. No matter what kind of write up you do someone will have a question on something that wasn't covered. So then you simply start a thread for TOTM and let other members ask questions the the TOTM winner can answer at his or her own leisure. If you do not want to be bothered then don't enter. That doesn't seem to hard.

lol let me correct my self, i meant a team like each has a different part. there would be the borough/regional photographer (if i can get like....2), and the person doing the right up. yea thats the plan. to have a bio page, and a thread as well.
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Why should I let a "team" into my apt so they can reduce my O2, increase my CO2 and lower my tank's ph, forcing me to then write a thread about it? :splitspin
Then I'd have to pay off judges on top of that to say that the worst looking tank on MR (mine) is actually the best one by virtue of artistic interpretation. Too much work. lol.


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Why should I let a "team" into my apt so they can reduce my O2, increase my CO2 and lower my tank's ph, forcing me to then write a thread about it? :splitspin
Then I'd have to pay off judges on top of that to say that the worst looking tank on MR (mine) is actually the best one by virtue of artistic interpretation. Too much work. lol.

I DIDNT MEAN AN ACTUAL TEAM LOL, read my other post i corrected what i meant. :tongue1:


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who you callin' ass?! :irked:

jk. i meant i can take good pics and do a good write-up of my own tank. so i should win, lol.

SORRY! lol my typing is terrible...and my fingers are dumb! would u be willing to take pics of tanks in your area besides urs??


Ellenville NY
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I'm just saying if a site that does this worldwide can do it, Then what is the problem with such a small area in comparison as the tri-state area?

+1.. Why can't we do this like the pics thread that are put on the main page?
You take a nice pic it's put up on the main page. With a link to the winning member. Ask what you want there. KEEP IT SIMPLE


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+1.. Why can't we do this like the pics thread that are put on the main page?
You take a nice pic it's put up on the main page. With a link to the winning member. Ask what you want there. KEEP IT SIMPLE

thats kinda what i would want it to be like... like this home page; LINK

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