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Northern Jersey
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As alot of you know, im a big phone guy and know the scoop on anything random involving new phones, the android system and any other random info, EXCEPT IPHONES. i dont care for them, so i dont research about them. Android, Palms, and others i can help with. So, alot of people have been pm'ing me lately about if i know anything about android 2.2, froyo, FRG22, and other random questions about their phones seeing these past 2 months have been HUGE for the android market. as everyone knows android 2.2 / froyo is out and about. not all phones have it yet, but some do like the evo, most droid platforms, and a few others. i been getting questions like when will my phone get 2.2? what new features will my phone have? is it better? what is FRG22? how do i get it? and others. so, friday night i am going to be doing a nice write up involving most topics to help explain better on different phones whats going to happen when you get 2.2, what it consists of and more.... but i figured i would put this now so anyone out there with questions can post them now so i can answer them for you while i do my write up tomorrow night. so if you have any questions involving your android phone and the 2.2 update, then ask away. id be more then happy to try and help you out. and if i dont know the answer, i know my buddys will.


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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I have 2.2 on my my touch had it for a mounth now and it is way better then 2.1 the internet is way faster with 2.2 there are alot of new fetures 2.2 has that are great but 3.0 is way better it will be released with the new T-Moblie Android Phones coming this nov. Cant wait


Advanced Reefer
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2.2 feels pretty smooth. I have the stock rooted Froyo on my EVO. I also realized i get 4g access in the Bronx at my job, so that's pretty cool. Doubled my speeds. The main problem i have had so far is that when I wireless tether on 4G, my wifi connection keeps dying and I have to reconnect to my laptop. I have been web browsing using 3G for he last half hour, and no dropped wifi yet, so I am assuming it has something to do with 4G. I do like the subtle changes with Froyo, but I have yet to really play around with it.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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sorry guys, last night was a late night for me. will have it done by the weekend.

cheif you are right. the 18th is the new rumor. the 2.2 upgrade for the incredible is already out for verizon customers, and my buddy got it on my phone already as well. verizon is say the 16th-18th will be the upgrade.

ill be doing a write up so far explaining when and what yor upgrade gets on the
htc incredible
htc evo (even though its already out for it, just features some may not know of)
Moto Droid
Moto Droid 2
Moto Droid X
any others...? let me know


Mainland Aquatics
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i got my 2.2 update last week on my moto droid.. it fixed a ton of force close issues ive been having.. im just getting real frustrated with it tho.. if it gets warm like from being in my pocket on a hot day the touch screen spazzes out and becomes usless... any ideas?


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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anyone here with the incredible get your update today yet? verizon announced today is the official day of android 2.2 release for the htc droid incredible!

i know my g pa in flordia and my cusin in AZ got theirs already today! just seeing how jersey and NY was going with the upgrade. i know its been going south to north for the upgrades


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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here is verizon wireless support guide on what to do when you get your upgrade, and what your upgrade will consist of

Droid-Life is one of the biggest inside comp. out there, and they were first to go with the word...

here are a few more articles about it. if you type in droid incredible 2.2 release today on google you will get dozens of articles...




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They are talking about the update on AC now and some have it some don't. If anyone gets it before doing the update pull the update.zip file by hooking up to the computer and email it to me please.


Barnum Island
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I just got the update for the HTC Incredible this morning.
No time to look at it yet, will probably just read the post above to see what it changed.
I've only had the phone for a week, so I'm still getting familiar with it :)

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