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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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HTC incredible owners out there.... if you dont have android 2.2 update yet, PM me, i can get you it right now with a step by step manual download sent from Android. its an official manual download if you do not want to wait anymore. i did it to 10-15 incredibles already and worked great. PLUS around 20000+ have done it already too. its not too complicated to do either. just a few steps. its not bootleg, not going to loose anything, or void anything. its a link FROM android. its for those who are tired of waiting.

PM me and ill hook you up with the info and steps


Old School Reefer
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Kathy,this update isn't a big deal but it does improve upon the last platform by improving speed and other good features so to some it is a big deal.Waiting for an official one myself and not some leaked source.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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well for my phone, the incredible, it was a big deal. lets see, some updated things were
mobile hot spot is amazing to use. being able to give internet access to any lab top from my phone for free is awesome. i really dont need to be paying for internet anymore since my phone does it for the computer now. and its still quick!

the battery life became 20-30% more which i already actually noticed a difference in which is great and important.

the speed itsself on the phone on load up screens and internet access is much quicker.

flashlight app is for the first time working.

all my icons changed to a nicer font and style. like 3g, bluetooth, gps, volume, navi, album art, calling screen, and more.

the text layout changed to be wider buttons which was awesome.

amazon mp3.

turn your phone any side to view the screen, not just to the left anymore.

new widgets.

being able to move all apps or anything you want to your sd card.

auto update on all apps you have instead of manually clicking each one.

and a few others, but thats what i remember off the top of my head.

to me, the new look of widgets, 3g mobile hot spot, better battery life and faster speed was the big ones what was worth it.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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and yes, zany, most are just leaked updated which is unsafe and can void warr... but for the incredible, its not a leak. its actually from android, not some hacked thing. my phone is not rooted either. since the incredible already got the update, they made a link so you do not have to wait. there are offical links to all 2.2 phones out there now too. i personally dont reccomend anyone downloading a leaked or hacked update. not safe at all. wait to the offical, or when it comes from the company, not some kid


- Untitled -
Da B - X
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I have 2.2 installed on my X (pre-installed by a Verizon employee :shhh:).
Running good so far...very slight lag sometimes, but I can't compare difference from the prior version since the phone came with this OS.
Upgraded my D2 which also ran 2.2 & it runs pretty much the same.


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Ryan You're rooted?

Nelson go to androidcentral.com and check the Droid Incredible Forum, they have the official OTA update file there. You can run it and update without voiding your warranty.

Philly you got a DX? How does it feel talking into an Eggo Waffle? :lol2:


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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I use to be rooted. But un rooted it when my buddy at Verizon gave me 2.2 few weeks ago. When it was rooted it was cool and all but not worth the risks. Plus if you root it most "unroot" programs don't actually un root it. And yes the link on android central is the official release. SAme link I was sending people.


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Did anyone see the R2D2 version of the Droid 2?????? I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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hey guys, anyone who wants swype on their phone let me know. im sure most of you know what swype is, but if its, its pretty much a text style where you actually swype your finger to each letter, instead of pressing and lifting your finger to each letter. very cool, and is claimed to be the quickest way to type. droid-life came out with swype for the htc incredible, droid, and more.... i just got it on my phone and love it! at first i hated it but after awhile it grew on me and now its all i use.

also! Xscope 6 is the best browser on the market. just came out a week ago. its extremely fast, and much nicer looking! i highly reccomend trying at least the lite version. you can download it on the android market. here is a quick video explaining the new browser.


ANNNDDDD WHO'S AREADY FOR VERIZON 4G? few weeks away i believe...


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Got my Droid X yesterday... rooted, and all is amazing! Touchdown for MS Exchange support is pretty damn good, still need to get the hang of navigating around; coming from Blackberry everything was right there, but then again, it didn't have a whole lot. Loaded up xScope, looks good but only used it for like 20 minutes. Great phone, lots to learn about it... next stop! Custom ROMS!

Don't think the DX has the 4g LTE radio hardware, so probably no 4g support. If it has the radio and haven't advertised it as such (4g ready/capable), that's poor marketing.

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