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Hopefully there will be a movie about the TUNA industry as well... I was in Ecuador and the fishing there is crazy.

Over fishing of TUNA world wide has been for so long that some scientists fear that the world population will not regain it's level for at least 10-20 years.

In recent years, production dropped so much that Ecuador fisherman started to illegally fish them in the reserve area and other countries started to track the path of them and fish them right outside other countries. It's a war out in the ocean.:Starwars:


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As long as there is demand and money to be made, people will exploit the situation. just like drugs, prostitution, illegal immigration,etc...
its all about the Benjamin.


Used as bait
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Yea I mean it is terrible without a doubt, but a lot of these illegal fisherman and poachers are in the end trying to feed their families. Efforts are made to turn these people into conservationists or govt regulators but in the end the money is prob better to just continue with their (environmentally) destructive behavior.


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I think we need to worry more about what we are doing in this country that need to be changed before we go being the world's police officer. We are great at pointing fingers at other countries but when when people point back at us we get all defensive. Fix what we need to here first.


Forever Noob
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I just feel so helpless with situations like thing!! We can not really make a difference no matter what we try to do. The people with the money or power control everything. This why the rich get richer!

No dude, you CAN make a difference. Just because we aren't directly intervening doesn't mean we can't do anything.

The best way is to go viral. Continuously tell people about stuff like this and inform them. Paint the ugly picture of the puzzle for them.
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I finally saw the film yesterday. Hopefully the film will make a difference in Japan. The biggest problem I saw is that all the people involved in trying to stop the slaughter are American, with a few Australians. Until they get active Japanese involvement, this is going to continue. There is obviously a strong component of nationalism involved here, resentment at being dictated to by other countries, and the best way to stop it is for Japanese themselves to assert themselves to stop it...making it clear that dolphin preservation can be a nationalist cause as well. The film makes it seem that the Japanese public is completely unaware...well, they certainly cannot be after the publicity generated by this movie.


Forever Noob
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Film is encountering publicity issues in Japan currently. The Japanese news didn't really cover the story as it is too controversial, plus there's always government cover up and video editing.

For those who are interested check out this film plus the series
Whale Wars


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I haven't read the whole thread, but I don't know if you have heard about this. But in the Faroe Islands there is an annual pilot whale slaughter. They herd the whales into a cove, much like the one from the film, and they slaughter them. They even give the kids a day off from school to witness it. Its absolutely disgusting. Here is a link to an article.



PADI Dive Inst
New York
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The mechanism for change would have to come from private citizens. Supporting movies like The Cove is the best way to change the perception of things like this.

Any time countries get involved politics gets involved. America has inserted itself into way too many countries to have credibility in something like this.

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