+1 Dalwhinnie. A friend turned me on to it years ago and it's pretty good.
This thread reminds me of that Ron White joke about how he likes his scotch... Not sure I can post it here.
Wine just gives me a headache if I drink enough of it.
Irish: Jamo
Canadian: Crown Royal
Scotch: Glenlivet 21
Also, the wife brought back a couple bottles of Coole Swan. It is an Irish cream that makes Baileys taste like milk. The story goes that a guy that worked for Baileys kept trying to talk them into making a premium grade Irish cream. The refused, said that it would not sell. So, the quit and started his own company using the best ingredients, etc. Man, is the stuff good. Don't think that we can get it here in the US. But if you see it, you have to try it. Or, make a trip to Missouri and I will serve you gladly.
sweet! I had not looked yet. Still have three bottles so was not getting the with drawl yet, lol Just my luck, it wont be available in MO yet. How did you do the search to find where it was sold?
Irish: Jamo
Canadian: Crown Royal
Scotch: Glenlivet 21
Ardbeg is a great scoth whiskey from islay... very peat/smokey- one of the most Ive ever tasted. It has a higher alcohol content because it isnt chill filtered, and really blends well with the smoke.Anyone tried a scotch called ardbeck
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