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Just like it says, whats your favorite whiskey? I have totally gotten hooked on Irish whiskey, Powers Whiskey, in particular. And even better than that is Powers 12. It is ages in oak cask for 12 years. This stuff is so smooth is unreal. I have tried most of the American whiskeys under $50 per bottle. This stuff is around $20 for the regular and $35 for the 12 year old stuff. If you like sipping whiskey, and have not tried it, you have to try it. I am on my fourth shot of the night and feeling damn good, lol. Sipping and reading old posts.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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I have been a devoted whisky drinker for about 10 years now. The bottle that I always have on hand is Bushmills. A good Irish friend of mine who is also a bartender saw that I use drink Jameson all the time. He suggested Bushmills as a quiet not too exploited advertising wise alternative. Very smooth and bold. I highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys two fingers on the rocks!

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Old School Reefer
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The Balvenie PortWood 21 Year Old is one of my favorites.

Many years ago I worked in a restaurant that had an extensive wine cellar and single malt collection. The very first single malt I had the honor of sipping was Louis XIV. At the time it was going for $45/shot. That was by far, the smoothest scotch I've ever had.

Other must haves in my cabinet are:

Dalwhinnie Scotch 15 Year
Balvenie Scotch 15 Year



MR's Greatest Member
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I personaly like johnny walker Gold, I know its not a true whiskey, but man is it good and the smoothest drink I have ever had. I think its better than the blue.

bad coffee

Inept at life.
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Jameson for Irish
Knob Creek for Bourbon
For scotch? Let's see:
Laphroig 15
Cragganmore Sherry finish,

the list goes on and on. Unfortunately my 'scotch fund' doesn't. . .


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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I am gonna check out the Bushmill Felix.

Balvenie is good. Forgot my friend bought a bottle of the 12 year. Was a nice sipper.

Funny story about Bushmills. So I was at a Bar in Farmingdale with a few friends. I walked up to the bar after I've had a few too many and ordered a Bushmills on the rocks. It was almost like the music stopped with a record scratch. There was this Irish man who looked like he stepped out of a bad pirate movie sitting at the bar next to where I was ordering. All scruffy and unkept, squinty eye, all he needed was a patch and pegleg. Right after I ordered my drink, he turned and stared me down.

"Thats the devil's breeewwwww....." he exclaimed in a very evil and rather sinister voice.

I turned to him not realizing he was speaking to me. "What was that?"

"Yer Bushmills is a Northern Ireland Witch's Brew of the Devil!!"

That freaked me out. I got my glass and just kinda walked away, peering behind my back a few times cautiously watching him glare at me.

So apparently Bushmills is a product of Protestant Northern Ireland. It really means nothing to me, but for those of you that believe its the Devil's brew...What better company to drink straight hard alcohol with than the devil himself?

It was just a funny situation because half the bar watched it and just kinda chortled and made jokes about it the rest of the evening.
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My son is really into scotch....to me, most scotch tastes like they distilled my dining room table. However, I find Balvenie palatable. I'm not much of a whiskey drinker...it gives me a headache, but I really do enjoy an occasional glass of Knob Creek. (My drinking preferences lie towards gin, vodka, and wine....but just one drink of a high quality tequila like Patron makes me seriously ill......)


Advanced Reefer
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nice felix. there's this thing that maker's mark does calle ambassador. you sign up as an "ambassador" to makers mark. you get invites to things, and they put your name on a barrel for aging with like 30 other people. when your barrel is ready, youy can buy a bottle from your barrel. they send you something with all the names on it or something like that. kinda cool.
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Milagro, best tequila ever.

I like Gin personally (Bombay Sapphire or New Amsterdam) but Milagro is just a good time super smooth, all the good parts of tequila without the harshness.

Wine just gives me a headache if I drink enough of it.

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