AWESOME!! A pair of shoes that if you dont watch where you step you can stub your toes just like walkin through the living room at 3 am and hitting the coffee table.
I'll pass, like I do on most of the "in" and "hip" or "popular" things on todays market. LOL
Mountain High Outfitters offers the Vibram Men's or Women's FiveFingers KSO Shoes in several colors (Grey/Palm pictured) for $59.47 with free shipping. That's $8 under our December mention, the lowest total price we could find for men's or women's in any color by $6, and the best we've ever seen for the FiveFingers KSO. Sales tax is added where applicable. They're available in most sizes from 34 to 46, although not all size/color combinations are available.
Al Bundy invented these in the 80's when he hit his head and found Jesus.
But seriously, these are the new trend in running. It started with people running barefoot. Something about the way you run when barefoot is better for you because it's lower impact than coming down on your heels in sneakers.
These five fingers are supposed to be like running barefoot without the worry of broken glass, etc. I havnt tried them yet.
The barefoot running trend is really taking off.
many brands make them now.
seems like theres more fakes than the real ones.
just be careful buying them and running a marathon.