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Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Haha.. I agree that the old curve is a decent phone. Time to upgrade though, for sure. I didn't like the Droid when I was playing with it at the store. The keypad just doesn't feel right. It's almost like there's too much weight on the screen and not enough on the keys so it's not properly balanced.

I went to the store today and tried out the Storm 2 again.. looks like this will be the phone I go with.. I really liked the "keys" and especially liked the screen size/clarity. (I tried manhattanreefs on it and the site worked well ;))

I'm really not a fan of the trackball on the curve/tour, and the Storm's internet experience is much better, IMO.

My Fiancee doesn't like the storm b/c she says her nails don't work well with the phone, LOL

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