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Suffolk County
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Does anyone have the Blackberry Tour or the Storm 2?

I just got an upgrade offer.. and my current Blackberry Curve is about to get 'upgraded'.. but I can't decide between the above.

I went to the Verizon store tonight and tried both of them out, and couldn't really decide. The Storm 2 is much better than the first version, and the Tour seems to be much better than the Curve.... I like that the Storm 2 is touch screen and has a much larger display, but I like the Tour's look, physical buttons, and the fact that it's much faster than the Curve... but I don't like the smaller screen.

..........And although I think the iPhone and HTC Incredible are great phones, I'm not switching carriers for the iPhone, and I'm not paying $200 for the HTC Incredible.

Your thoughts on either the Tour or the Storm 2?



Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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True. The Tour's camera is 5 mega pixel I think? And the Storm 2 is only 3.2... either way, not a huge deal breaker to me.

I've heard (and witnessed) the Storm 2 is a VAST improvement over the first Storm, so I don't know if those two are good comparisons.


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I have the storm and the storm 2 and I love them. Storm 2 is better than the storm.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Hey Brendan, how do you like the Storm 2's internet/web browsing?

For my phone, I just want it to simply work. Nice, easy, and quick... something that makes good calls, easy messaging, and has a nice quick web experience. I don't really care about having eleventy billion apps or all the bells and whistles of the more expensive phones.

I also tried out the Droid in the store, and although most people love it, I just didn't like how it felt in my hands. The keyboard was odd. Completely personal though.
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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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yeah with the incredible there are 4 typing styles. qwerty key board when you turn the phone to the side, compact qwerty keyboard holding the phone normal, 9 key text which i personally use because i feel its the easiest, or voice text which is very responcive and i like to use while driving. you just hit the microphone key and say whatever you want and it will text the person what you just said. very accurate, ive used it alot. but if your a blackberry person and want to stick to the blackberrys my friend has a storm and his wife has a tour, personally i like the tour. im just not a fan of pressing the touch screen and the screen moving like a button on the storm...and its really wide. i mean its a nice phone, and ive never used the storm 2 and do not know what the difference is, to me there identicle but we all have our personal pros and cons on phones so whatever you pick i hope you like it!


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm still undecided. LOL. The Storm 2 is WAY better than the first one, and the touch screen doesn't actually move, it just 'feels' like it does. Kind of strange, but it's much more smooth and accurate than the older one.

For the Tour users, does anyone have Opera Mini installed? The newer version made my curve run pretty slow, so I uninstalled it...


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The storm has much less internal memory than the S2. Also the storm doesn't have wifi where the S2 does. And the screen construction is a little different. It is one solid piece and there are more points that register while making selections under the screen.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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check this link out guys... about 1/4 of the way in it describes the storm 2's screen. It's supposed to feel like it's moving because of electronic feedback. It's supposed to take much less time to spring back between clicks though, which makes it possible to type faster.

When I was playing around with it I found that although they say the mechanical screen was replaced with an electronic system so it doesn't actually move, in reality it does move a little bit around the edges of the screen. Here's the link:



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I have the Storm 2 and for every day use I think it works great. The browser is quick enough for me and I have not had any issues with the phone yet. If you like the touch screen the Storm 2 is the way to go.


Mainland Aquatics
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my wife has the storm2.. she thinks its crap.. i had the old curve.. i loved it!! but i upgraded to the moto droid.. great phone.. some dumb quirks but awesome apps and great internet acsess.. also has a mix of touch screen which works flawlessly and a full real buttn keyboard..

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