Hello Brendan, The OP is refering to me and trying to smear my good name which he will not suceed in doing.
For those that don't now me, my name is Ben and I'm the person this OP is refering to. I have been in the hobby for over 15 years and never until now have whitnessed such childish behavior. Seriously, I have two kids and can expect that from them but this, come on.
This person has twisted the truth and left out some comments he made to me which were pretty derogatory. Now having said that, many of you here on MR and even here on this very thread have actually purchased from me and I will not mention any names, you know who you are. However, many of you have come to my home and know that I'm a stand up guy and by all means I'm not a vendor. I am in fact trying to sell the equipment that I have accumulated over my 15 years in the reef hobby. In fact most of my things were sold off already and the very post that the OP is refering to has not been bumped for weeks. have a look
Its important to note that the OP started this thread and sent me a link to taunt me. I guess he figured that I would stay far away quietly like I have something to hide or something. Well I have absolutly nothing to hide at all. The guy PM'ed me telling me that he'd like to purchase one of my reflectors and my feeling was that I would not sell the other remaining parts to the light kit if I did. You know what, alot of you on here actually talked about how we all help each other out ect ect. well thats exactly what I "thought" I was doing. I figured that since my listing states that the "TWO" reflectors are $70 "EACH" in other words $140 for the pair and I think that is obviouse if anyone reads the sell thread. I figured that I would help him out and offered to sell only one reflector at $110. This way he would pay a bit more and I would take a slight loss knowing full well that I would never sell the other reflector. I thought this was very fair. The guy turns around and starts saying that I'm a pompus ass ect. Just take a look at the OP. Now am I wrong for asking more. I don't feel that I am at all in this case. I paid well over twice the amount that I'm selling the reflectors for and in fact the many people that have come to my home know what type of stand up guy I am. Just take a look at the fraction of the folks who have written feedbacks for me and what they had to say. Take a look and ask them if I'm a vendor. The truth couldn't be farther from the truth.
THE REAL ISSUE: The OP is obviousle upset that I will not sell him only one reflector at $70. and he came on here to have a shoulder to cry on thinking that I'm going to hide from this stupidity. well here I am. I have absolutly nothing to hide from. If you want to spread lies and extort those lies make sure you do this with someone less than honest. You got the wrong guy in this case my freind.
Brendan, I have given you my phone number and if you wish to contact me. Please do so anytime as I will be available all day tomorrow. You know who I am. Just wanted to give you a heads up that sometimes people start posts purely out of gain for themselves or simply to make themselves feel better just because they think they are right. Well there are always two sides to every story. Whatever the case may be... I am here to clarify my position.
Oh and one last thing... The main listing that this OP refers to has not been bumped since 5/6/10 at 1:19 am so the OP PM'ed me out of the blue on this wanting me to sell him the reflector. One thing that I'm glad the OP did was link me to this thread in a PM so I can have a chance to respond.
Now that I did and its out in the open, I feel better