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I’m making this thread to show people the kind of stuff I have to put up with on a regular basis on here. I’m not out to single out any specific person so I will not name anyone as this is not relevant. I messaged a member on here about buying a single reflector as listed in his for sale post(see the image below). Now the ad specifically says:

2 Never used 250 watt reflectors and housing $70 EACH.

To me this means that ONE reflector is $70 and you do not have to buy both for $140. If that was the case, it should read:
2 Never used 250 watt reflectors and housing Sold as pair for $140

Now with this in mind, I proceeded to ask about purchasing one of the reflectors. I was told that I would have to pay 110 dollars if I wanted a single reflector. I thought this was a little ridiculous and I told the seller to clarify his listing better for others. This is what I received:

"LOL, my listing is very clear... you just don't like the fact that I have to charge you more because YOU only want one reflector. good luck finding only one reflector at that price. have a great day!"

“That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Because I only want one reflector you want to charge me more? Are you a business or something, or you doing this to make a living? Come on man everyone is on here to help each other out, Even if you got 70 for one reflector, which is what is listed in your posts, that is not some lowball offer. As a matter of fact I just purchased 2 150watt HQI reflectors, brand new 20k Ushio bulbs, with 2 electronic ballasts for 200 bucks. Just some food for thought, but you can take your pompous attitude elsewhere; we are all stocked up here.”

"I'm not the one with the pompus attitude, that would be you... Now I don't know if you have a comprehention problem or not but my listing clearly states that I am selling TWO reflectors at $70 each. Where does that mean that I will sell just one at $70? it doesn't and because you just wanted one and I won't sell you just one you don't like that. Oh well, sorry! I'm not going to take the loss because you know full well I won't sell the other reflector.

I'm glad you found a lighting set. Good luck to you. Now I belive that we have covered all grounds so it won't be necessary for you to respond. Unless of course you absolutly must."

So the moral of the story here is that I would think we are all here to help each other out not to make a quick buck on the members here. This is what really makes MR so great. If I wanted to just throw my money down the drain, I have HOF and GA for that. Please let me know your thoughts on this issue as well as if I’m wrong here.

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Advanced Reefer
oceanside, NY
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If they are not to be sold separate then the wording should be 140 for the pair, not 70 EACH. Or even 70 each (will not split) would be acceptable.



Advanced Reefer
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yea, I sell bulbs from time to time on here for much less than I could get for them say on ebay, or RC. I usually sell then for 50 bucks each just to help people out. I even trade corals for them too so everyone wins. Clearly the seller was out just to make a quick buck. Nevermind he had sold his entire setup of lights, pumps tank,stand etc so it wasnt like he didnt get any money back at all.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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i agree...

i try all the time to help people because people help me out everyday on here. i once picked up a new 29g tank for free at some guys house from here and still gave him like 30 bucks for it because i knew it was money lost outta his pocket and felt bad. helping people out is key to reefing because everyone this hobby is not cheap, if i could save someone a few bucks and sell something i dont need that he does, well no questions asked its yours....

DA fisherman

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You seem like a kool dude cause I would have took it to another level lol but some people just don't get the diffrence between helping out and just trying to make money :-/ ... But I find this site to be more helpful then any other site I ever been on :)

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Advanced Reefer
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You seem like a kool dude cause I would have took it to another level lol but some people just don't get the diffrence between helping out and just trying to make money :-/ ... But I find this site to be more helpful then any other site I ever been on :)

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs

ha yea i have kept my outbursts to a minimum as of late. It really isnt worth it. Instead I made an example out of him for everyone else to see.


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S3 I agree with you, that's like getting stuff for free or buying stuff cheap here and then selling them in your store at a markup without letting all involved that you are a business and you plan on making a profit on their good will.


Mainland Aquatics
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ive been on this site for abt 2 1/2 months now.. i have met alot of you in person and have spent a pretty penny.. and apreciate all the help from the members that have steped up ..

but i as well have noticed that some people are on this site for one thing, to make money off of other members(trigger I AM NOT talking abt you)
there are people that sell from their own collection and other that seem to have a collection just to sell..
some people say they are not vendors but they have an email address that says they are a seller of that item(vendor)
there are some people that think its ok to charge more than retail, and thats ok but dont expect people to buy and dont waste valuable space by bumping that item every 5 hours
some people say they are breaking down a tank but yet they have been selling the stuff for months

stage i know exactly who you are refering to and i believe they are a stealth vendor as well as some other on here that i know of that are doing the same thing!!!

since NJreefers have closed their for sale threads, we have been bombarded with crap sales threads and people asking top dollar for junk..

i think (and this would affect my rights as a MR member) that you should be a member for atleast 90 days(3 months) and have atleast 50 posts that have some value to them not just crap.. i think that would lower the BS around here, it would also limit the stealth vendors from making a name selling something and disapearing.
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Advanced Reefer
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"I'm not the one with the pompus attitude, that would be you... Now I don't know if you have a comprehention problem or not but my listing clearly states that I am selling TWO reflectors at $70 each. Where does that mean that I will sell just one at $70?

rofl this is so win, he/she/it/whatever just owned him/her/it/self so BAD.


westbury ny
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It seems like Seller might need some preperation H or something.
On MR. Good people will find good people and weed out the riff raff in the process.
BTW $70 Each mean $70 EACH!!!! Not 140 for the pair!!!


Addicted to coral
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""since NJreefers have closed their for sale threads, we have been bombarded with crap sales threads and people asking top dollar for junk.. ""

"""i think (and this would affect my rights as a MR member) that you should be a member for atleast 90 days(3 months) and have atleast 50 posts that have some value to them not just crap.. i think that would lower the BS around here, it would also limit the stealth vendors from making a name selling something and disapearing"""

I would Love to know if this person is from NJ,LOL
Also I agree that 90days 50 post!!!
I hope Josh see's this thread before its removed


Advanced Reefer
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ive been on this site for abt 2 1/2 months now.. i have met alot of you in person and have spent a pretty penny.. and apreciate all the help from the members that have steped up ..

but i as well have noticed that some people are on this site for one thing, to make money off of other members(trigger I AM NOT talking abt you)
there are people that sell from their own collection and other that seem to have a collection just to sell..
some people say they are not vendors but they have an email address that says they are a seller of that item(vendor)
there are some people that think its ok to charge more than retail, and thats ok but dont expect people to buy and dont waste valuable space by bumping that item every 5 hours
some people say they are breaking down a tank but yet they have been selling the stuff for months

stage i know exactly who you are refering to and i believe they are a stealth vendor as well as some other on here that i know of that are doing the same thing!!!

since NJreefers have closed their for sale threads, we have been bombarded with crap sales threads and people asking top dollar for junk..

i think (and this would affect my rights as a MR member) that you should be a member for atleast 90 days(3 months) and have atleast 50 posts that have some value to them not just crap.. i think that would lower the BS around here, it would also limit the stealth vendors from making a name selling something and disapearing.

I knew something didnt sound right with this particular seller. Im gald I'm not the only one that noticed this. I hope this thread will discourage this kind of activity on MR.

Also for the record, I think its a bit strange that people call me stage or stage 3 lol. It would make more sense to call me mark as this is my name right? hahahah
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I thought we are all here to help everyone out ? You thought wrong ! :type: I think most times we forget that this is the www and people can say anything. You found out the person was unreasonable before you put up the money.Consider your self lucky.
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