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What do you do for extra money? Second job? Start a business?

I ask because I had moved into a larger house to accommodate my family and am already feeling the squeeze. Haven't bought anything for myself in the last 6 months or more, trying to squeeze all my pennies, but its just not cutting it. On top of that, my credit cards are getting maxed and my p.o.s. car is starting to go, which I don't have the money to start repairing.

So now I'm looking to either start a small business with a loan from my family (doing coral propagation or something hobby related), or finding a second job and will just need to deal with not seeing my family as much. I am at the point that I am not worried about being happy with my job as long as the bills can be paid.


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Do something from your home. Party Planning, Computer repair, etc.


Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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I think alot of us hear what your saying. My opinion would be look to try to get a hobby related second job. It may not pay what you want, and will keep you from your family, but would atleast be enjoyable.

Good luck, Chuck & Anna Maria


Looks mean doesn't she!?
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I am leaning towards a second job and it would be better to get into a hobby related one. The only thing is that I have a 9-5 job and don't know many lfs stores that I could work the later hours in. After my commute from work, it is at least 6pm.


Barnum Island
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I am leaning towards a second job and it would be better to get into a hobby related one. The only thing is that I have a 9-5 job and don't know many lfs stores that I could work the later hours in. After my commute from work, it is at least 6pm.

A weekend job, maybe a full day somewhere?


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I fix and build computers on the side. It is something I can do when I am off, and I don't take on more than I can handle over a few days. I control the work volume.


Mainland Aquatics
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dont try and go into fragging or coral prop for a second income.. to support your hobby sure but not to make money.. bc if it fails or have a failure u loose everything for months.. and ive leared from being a car guy for many year and getting a job in the automotive field you wind up never wanting to do your own stuff bc work takes up all your drive.. good luck


Bronx, New York
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having you tried making 'budget cuts' ? you may feel less of a squeeze if you cut out the things you can do without. not the tank,lol, of course that's assuming you have things (services) to cut back on.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I fix and build computers on the side. It is something I can do when I am off, and I don't take on more than I can handle over a few days. I control the work volume.

Exactly. I wouldn't try to do the hobby thing as a business, especially if you have to borrow money. For me, Reefing is a way to relax and not think about work, so it'd be tough if I had to make money off of it.. but that's just my personal opinion.

Also see if you can put in extra hours at your current 9-5. I'm a salaried employee myself so that won't help me, lol.


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Do what Mayor Bloomberg does...cut as much from the budget as you can, lock the kids in the house and tell them you are doing it for their own safety because of terrorists and pedophiles(eliminating as much of the children's spending as possible) and then hire people to do jobs and make things that A) no one asked for and B) no one wants, but make sure you get a kickback from all of those projects. Take all of the kickback money and start a contracting business, hire the business to do repairs and expansions on the house, and BOOM!!! you are making a bunch of money AND getting your home fixed up at a profit!!!

Sorry for the dripping sarcasm, but the current state of affairs in NYC has me livid...you want some real advice? Deliver pizzas at night, they are always looking for drivers. Or the late shift at McDonalds. Part-time work is out there, you just gotta go get it. Good Luck!!!


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Do what Mayor Bloomberg does...cut as much from the budget as you can, lock the kids in the house and tell them you are doing it for their own safety because of terrorists and pedophiles(eliminating as much of the children's spending as possible) and then hire people to do jobs and make things that A) no one asked for and B) no one wants, but make sure you get a kickback from all of those projects. Take all of the kickback money and start a contracting business, hire the business to do repairs and expansions on the house, and BOOM!!! you are making a bunch of money AND getting your home fixed up at a profit!!!

Sorry for the dripping sarcasm, but the current state of affairs in NYC has me livid...you want some real advice? Deliver pizzas at night, they are always looking for drivers. Or the late shift at McDonalds. Part-time work is out there, you just gotta go get it. Good Luck!!!

ok that was a lil ridiculous..and mcdonald's? really dude? The guy has kids and bills I don't think an extra 40 bucks from working a mcdonald's is going to help him much..he would be better off collecting cans on garbage night.



Looks mean doesn't she!?
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Other than the tv and internet, I have no other regular expenses that can be cut and the two of them are only $100 a month total. I do whatever extra work that is available at the office but I am on salary as well. I tutor AutoCAD every so often and have applied to teach extended education classes with AutoCAD at NYIT but to no avail.

My money situation is not so bad that I need to work at McDonalds. I want to be able to not worry about where the payments are coming from and having to figure out where the next few paychecks are going to pay a bill.

Pm'd back


Advanced Reefer
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are you a native speaker of any languages? rosetta stone was looking for native speakers for their online studio program, not sure if they're still hiring. great thing about this program is that you can work from a home computer (with web cam) and with flexible hours. good luck!



Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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Be a waiter or a bartender I work sat and Sunday behind the bar and usally make 500 $ almost never less than 400$ if you are a people person and have a good personality then you will do great I also work as a steamfitters full time. Bartending is all cash can't beat that work for a few hrs bs with customers have a few drinks. It's the only way that I have xtra money to do this hobbey. Goodluck

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Looks mean doesn't she!?
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FrostyNYC: Yes the wife works. She babysits off the books, so thats about 15k cash a year.

Mattl22: I have zero experience bartending. Would a bar really hire someone part-time with no experience?

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