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Advanced Reefer
Bellport, NY
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Look into catering, if you have restaraunt skills. Catering is also a good entrance into restaraunt work, and you can gain experience this way.You can set your schedule by choosing which parties you can work. I worked in restaraunts for 14 years and I doubt you will get a bartending job without experience. Do you have any freinds who have a business, like construction or landscaping? You can pick up some saturday work that way.


Looks mean doesn't she!?
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I am not looking for a job to switch to unless the pay would be more than my current job being a Jr. Architect/Project Manager at 45k+. None of my friends own a business or work in one that is looking for extra work at the moment.


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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well ill put it this way every bartender in the world wasnt born knowing how to bartend they learned on the job. im not saying it would be easy to get your first job and you might have to strech the truth alittel to get it most places do require exp so tell them you have exp and when they are training you just tell them your exp is from years ago and your a littel rusty. everyone at some point starts with no exp like i said as long as you r friendly and comfortable talking and laughing with strangers then you will be fine the rest you will learn as you go. watch some instructional videos on line or something to get the basic and memorize the common drinks. (its hard work but can be fun and very profitable) when i was looking for a couple of shifts i got in my car on fri or sat just B4 happy hour (so there will be a manager working) and went to every bar and reastruant i drove by walked in and asked to see the manager dont ask the bartender or waitress they will just tell you they r not looking for anyone( look nice wear a tie and pressed shirt , shave , haircut common sense) I went to about 50 places b4 i found 2 great shifts at 2 different places also one place told me they would get back to me and they needed someone when i didnt hear from them i went in like once a week to speak to the manager who said she was talking to the owner about it. Anyway after 3 or 4 visits i was about to give up a few days later i got a call from the owner who hired me for sat night one of the best shifts ( be persistant) i agree about the catering also that would be a great way to gain exp goodluck

you can work at a fish store for 7 bucks an hour and get taxed on it or learn how to bartend and make 30 an hour taxfree


Advanced Reefer
Yonkers, NY
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Paying off credit cards works well. It is like getting income boost instantly! I just paid off my Citi card and that's NOT getting $8/month interest charges. Now I have that $8 to invest in my favorite site with 11%-37% returns!


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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The only think owners really care about is that you know how to use a lot of ice. After all it's the cheapest thing in the industry.


Reefer Chick
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Petsitting makes me real good side money.
I do it around my work schedule. I even walked a dog each day on my lunch break until he passed away. My regulars don't even schedule their vacations until they know if I am available.
You can hang up flyers at the Vet's offices. People prefer to have someone come care for their pets rather then put them in boarding. My sister boarded dogs at her house, and during the summer had three dogs a day at $30 each per day.. not a bad gig if you like dogs!
I know I don't have kids, but I own my own house, and pay my own bills, and my petsitting is the only "spending" money I have at the end of the month.
Best of luck...


Looks mean doesn't she!?
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I was thinking of the pet sitting or at least dog walking. The only catch with pet sitting is that I have a two year old daughter and an almost two year old pitbull who loves other dogs and children. Most people don't even want to walk on the same side of the street as me when walking her let alone would they want their dog in the same house/yard.


Advanced Reefer
Central Jersey
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If your wife likes children, she could be a teacher's assistant for a special ed. school? they make about 28k a year AND (well at least in my case) free benefits for them and their families. If you pay into your family's insurance, this really saves a lot of $$$. My co pay is $10 (used to be $5 last year) and I don't pay into it. Gotta love public school systems.
The hours are only 9-3 usually and all you need is some college credits I think... or a bachelor's degree...
I know you want to provide for your family but you don't have more than 24 hours in a day and you can't just burn yourself out... (not saying that your wife needs to do more... just need to find a happy medium) plus it's just like babysitting.

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