Sesame Street wasn't even born when I was a kid. I was already in HS when it first came out.
Television wasn't even 24/7. At 3am the American Flag would appear on every station, the National Anthem would play and after it was over there was a 'snow storm' all over the country
As a matter of fact there was only television stations on channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 & 13, THAT's IT!
Aurora Race Cars were the best. It actually took SKILL to drive around the track. If you went too fast around the curves, your car would fly off the track. Nowadays you 'floor it' and the car goes at top speed around the track and never falls off. Takes a real champ to be able to do that
Asteroids? Those were only parts of episodes on Lost in Space. I was already in college when Pong first came out.
Do you remember where YOU were when Kennedy was shot? (John F., not Robert :banghead: ) I do.
I saw Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.....and it wasn't a re-run.
I saw major league baseball players smoke cigarettes in the dugout.
The book 1984, by George Orwell was a futuristic novel set decades in the
future when I read it.
And now for the best one.................
All you guys talking about being 'old' at 35.....I could conceivably be your father.
Damn, that last one really scared the $hit out of me.