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Far Rockaway
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Im 31 and yeah my kids have it good .But the no respect for older folks its kids having kids that the new F Up gen were in now 16 y olds having kids and instead of them raising them there parent raise them will there having fun.

Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
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Ohhh yes I can relate to ALL of that lmao,and the part about writing a letter with a REAL PEN (LMAO) was not even the bad part it WAS taking it across the street to the mail box with out getting SHOT! Lolz raised in the south bronx (175 crotona pk n) :)

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Vernon NJ
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A j ?
A JOINT :pimp:MARY JANE:smoker: WEED:smokin:. SORRY JUST HAD TO CLARIFY:lol_large.

I'm only 28 and even i agree these youngins have it easy. the only video games i ever had were the original nintendo(remember you had to blow on the games jajaja. not super nintendo or nintendo 64) and the original gameboy(thing was the size of a brick). now a days you go over to some kids house and he has a WII, xbox, PS3, PSP, internet, cable and he's still freaking board.

Oh no you got me all wrong I was'nt asking what a "J" was. I WAS ASKING WHY ONLY 1? LMAO


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
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Funny thing - I guess that even though I grew up in "backwoods" east Pennsylvania, we had it pretty advanced.

We had a microwave oven in 1972. It was big enough to cook a whole large turkey. My mom still has it and still uses it, but it's in the garage now - probably will kill us all in the end.

My dad was a beta tester in his spare time for IBM and other computer companies when I was a kid, so we had our first home computer in the late 70's or early 80's. It was a Commodore 64, and you're right about the games - they got faster till you died - but you missed something - the music was like a 40 second loop - it just played over and over till you quit playing NOT because you died but because you could no longer handle the music!!!

I gotta admit, getting a letter was imminently more exciting than getting an email...

and the thing about the phone - for a while, we (my girlfriends and I) used to answer the phone with silly voices if we thought we were going to get a call from someone we didn't like (a BOY!!!) and didn't want to talk to!!!

I loved my childhood, and in a way, I'm glad my girls have it totally different. I don't know that they have it better or that I had it better - we had it different, and that is the way of the world. Believe it or not, those differences are part of what make us closer.

A microwave in 1972? Damn! we got our first microwave in the early 80's thanks for letting me see how poor we really were and how truly bad it was to not grow up in PA.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
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A j ?
A JOINT :pimp:MARY JANE:smoker: WEED:smokin:. SORRY JUST HAD TO CLARIFY:lol_large.

I'm only 28 and even i agree these youngins have it easy. the only video games i ever had were the original nintendo(remember you had to blow on the games jajaja. not super nintendo or nintendo 64) and the original gameboy(thing was the size of a brick). now a days you go over to some kids house and he has a WII, xbox, PS3, PSP, internet, cable and he's still freaking board.

Gameboy my left foot my kid had this thing called the sega genisis what whopper that thing was it was huge.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
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And I must say I remember life being much nicer. when were kids hell I remember walking down the streets of paterson on a journey to get my grandfather a 5th of gin at the ripe old age of 7 lmao how the times have changed. and to think I carded about 2 months ago at a local super market trying to buy smokes and guess what I had no I.D. so I looked at the clerk and said you have got to be F*****G kiddin me I looked at that poor little rat and said you see this ring on my finger? (wedding ring) this ring and my 5 kids at home and 1 being your age says your gonna give me my smokes and he did thank god because i was havin a Nicfit lol could you imagine if he did'nt? what was i gonna do asked the old lady with the kane doin her scratch off lotto tickets to buy me smokes? could you imagine that?
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Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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A j ? only 1 ? no cable? where were you livin? every1 had cable unless your in like the 45 and over crowd. oops.
I didnt have cable ( wasn't available in Brooklyn) in 1989 I got one of those 10' satellite dishes on my roof.
I got ya by a few years actually more than I care to admit to lol)
they do have it easy!

Sesame Street wasn't even born when I was a kid. I was already in HS when it first came out.

Television wasn't even 24/7. At 3am the American Flag would appear on every station, the National Anthem would play and after it was over there was a 'snow storm' all over the country ;)

As a matter of fact there was only television stations on channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 & 13, THAT's IT!

Aurora Race Cars were the best. It actually took SKILL to drive around the track. If you went too fast around the curves, your car would fly off the track. Nowadays you 'floor it' and the car goes at top speed around the track and never falls off. Takes a real champ to be able to do that :rolleyes:

Asteroids? Those were only parts of episodes on Lost in Space. I was already in college when Pong first came out.

Do you remember where YOU were when Kennedy was shot? (John F., not Robert :banghead: ) I do.

I saw Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.....and it wasn't a re-run.

I saw major league baseball players smoke cigarettes in the dugout.

The book 1984, by George Orwell was a futuristic novel set decades in the future when I read it.

And now for the best one.................

All you guys talking about being 'old' at 35.....I could conceivably be your father.

Damn, that last one really scared the $hit out of me.

Russ I can remember! I guess we are in the same club!
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I didnt have cable ( wasn't available in Brooklyn) in 1989 I got one of those 10' satellite dishes on my roof.
I got ya by a few years actually more than I care to admit to lol)
they do have it easy!

Russ I can remember! I guess we are in the same club!

Yeah you and Russ are old farts :theyareon


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hey I'm in the 35+ crowd... Before mp3 players, there were "walkmans" tape players with the over the head. earphones. when we had to type reports for school, there was no computer/word processors we had to use typewriters. Cameras were all film type, you had to get processed in order to see the pictures. Peter.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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Yeah you and Russ are old farts :theyareon
Thanks Should I remind you how nice retirement is???

does anyone remember drive in moves ?????? And 3 friend hide in the truck so they did not have to pay to get in !!!!!!!!!!!!! Those were Great times

we have a drive in right outside of Vernon in Warwick
does anyone remember the drive in in Vally stream before the mall was built?

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