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ezee said:

I agree. Sounds like a trojan or a spyware scheme. Don't click on anything. The majority of virus attacks occur on Microsoft PC machine so you have some protection but I would dump those emails immediately and run a virus scan (if you have one).

Yes we have a few anti-virus software installed.

I know deep down that email was BS just like the ones from PayPal

ctx, "I woud never replied to any email that was spam. They now you this email they sent to is active and you would just get more spam.."

I agree, that is not my main eMail its another mailbox created through RR. I was using it dealing with my technician. Its be full of spam. I contacted one of the sites and they told me someone left my address so they passed it on to other porn sites.
That address is off line because around 20 porn sites come in each day.
I turn it on once in a while to check though.
I won't open anything in my real email address if i dont know the sender.


Advanced Reefer
Glendale, Queens
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If the sites are illegal, so what? Anyone here has been re-directed, and there is absolutely no way to control where you go. The 1st ammendment, covers what you choose to do on the internet, too.
Nobody's business but yours. (unless you do it at work, that's a whole other can of worms)

Totally bogus. Just delete.


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NYC - 10026
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there's no legality question here at all people, that line is just bait to get you to open the mail with the virus in it.

bottom line: never open suspicious email, just delete it.

one thing i love about my ISP is the approved-list function. no email gets to me unless I have permissioned the address. result = zero spam


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Delete it and NEVER respond again. If you were being watched they would come to you in person,trust me.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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It's a phishing email Robert as we all know by know. On my way home from the gym this afternoon, Angie Martinez (a radio host of Hot 97) said she received the same CIA email. LOL

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