Matt, the paintballs vary in size by small amounts, there are barrel kits with inserts to compensate for the size difference. it keeps the balls shooting straight.
aFter taLking to aLex at Stingray's, I was conVinced that going full-auto on rentaL players is really unfaiR. so been tHinking about pLaying with a pistoL or single-shot.
gotta keep the game fair and fun for everyone ...we aLL there to pLay and not beat up on otHer peeps.
it's coz it's magazine fed... 8 sHots per cLip and the co2 canister can shooT onLy 24 ballS. if you havent experiencd shooting faSt then this marKer is not for you.
i liKe it coZ you can bReak it down as a piStoL and use that as a baCkup
of course going full auto against rentals is unfair, no one said it was fair.
with practice and a good marker you can shoot just as effectively as auto.
I think that's where the non mil-sim markers work better, you can shoot them
faster on semi. mine has a tournament mode that locks you into semi auto.
...anotHer reason for a backup/pistoL is it gets tirinG when ur main marKer goes down and u end up standing up coZ u cant shoot anymore. it's like a wasted gamE and you know it's happend to aLL of us.