Much of the oil problem is due to history, our confilcts of the past and what we leverage for ourselves as a nation - the reason why we spend so little on oil is cause we created that environ with the historical positioning over years of history, conflict and alignemrnt.
The real oil probem is with China, they are one of the largest growing economies (risky investors read aloud) and are consuming oil at a 30% increase from last year. That being said, the US has left themselves vulnerable to this issue by not leveraging alternate resources for power or transportation. Note, though, hybrids are in such demand, there are waiting lists for them. So now, the motor dealers will start making more, and demand will be filled, but oil is going to remain the same cause another major super world power is going to continue to comsume these resources.
the US is in a great position to move forward in other areas, but since many, if not all, of our politicians are older oil familes whose riches are founded in those historical relationships, it's not going to be a priority until it's an emergency. So voting is key.
Supply and Demand (Alhra) and history (Solbby) are how we need to move forward, and WAR, has it's own historical relevance. Note that the US economy has done it's best after war - great reference Albert.